Get Your Tickets to Wuppertal Now

The 25th International Passive House Conference in Wuppertal is just over one month away! In addition to being a hybrid event, thereby giving attendees the opportunity to take part either virtually or in-person, the conference will be split up into two two-day parts. Guests will also be allowed to stroll through the online Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion from Septem­ber 1 through September 16 for free.

The first part will take place in His­tor­ische Stadthalle Wup­per­tal on Friday, September 10, and Saturday, September 11. Guests will be able to attend in person or to view the event online. The second part will be online-only and run Tuesday, September 14, through Wednesday, September 15. Meanwhile, on Sunday, September 12, attendees will have the opportunity to go on building tours in Wuppertal and beyond.

For a first taste of this year's present­a­tions, make sure to have a look at the program and to check out the Passivhaus Institute’s weekly "Con­fer­en­ce Count­down.”

To get your tickets, click here.

Published: August 4, 2021
Categories: Leader