Henson Architecture Is Our Accelerator Partner of The Week

The latest firm to join the Passive House Accelerator community as an Accelerator Partner is Henson Architecture. Based in New York City, Henson has produced multiple award-winning projects that demonstrate an appreciation of historic preservation and traditional building practices, as well as a dedication to decarbonizing our existing building stock through deep energy retrofits. Henson’s Passive House projects include several EnerPHit retrofits of nineteenth century townhouses and the retrofit of a single Brooklyn apartment within a larger multifamily building. The latter was covered as a story in Passive House Accelerator magazine, on Construction Tech, and on the Global Passive House Happy Hour.

Accelerator Partners like Henson help us with our mission to expand our reach to new builders, developers, architects, and policymakers who want all the things associated with Passive House construction (lower energy bills, a continuous supply of filtered air, more durable construction, and happier occupants!), but may not know that all these things are possible.

If you want to learn how to become an Accelerator Partner, please email [email protected] to see how you can help us accelerate the wider adoption of passive design and construction.

Published: September 17, 2023
Categories: News