Ice Box Challenge Glasgow: St Enoch Square, July 23 - August 6, 2021
Under the patronage of the UNECE, the City of Glasgow will host the “Ice Box Challenge” from July 23 – August 6 in St Enoch Square. Organisers include the International Passive House Association, Passive House Institute, Glasgow City Council, Passivhaus Trust and Edinburgh Napier University, who describe the challenge as a public experiment and contest to demonstrate how a building can be highly energy-efficient and comfortable. The event offers visitors the opportunity to learn more about the Passive House Standard and win great prizes!
What is the Ice Box Challenge?
The Ice Box Challenge is a scientific demonstration, visually highlighting the benefits of energy-efficient buildings. After a successful student competition, a jury including the Passive House Institute; Glasgow Institute of Architects; John Gilbert Architects; Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) and Edinburgh Napier University selected the winning design, submitted by Robert Gordon University. Event sponsor Construction Scotland Innovation Centre is now working with the winning group to fabricate the ice boxes the ice boxes at its Innovation Factory in Hamilton. Lina Khairy, member of the winning design team and student at Robert Gordon University, said of the project “Such an amazing experience to get to build these boxes and gain insight into the construction process! This is honestly a dream come true!” The building materials necessary for this were kindly supplied by the Challenge’s sponsors Stewart and Shields, Ecological Building Systems, AC Whyte, ITW Construction Products, Scotia Windows and Doors and Construction and CCG (Scotland) Ltd. One box is being built to the Scottish Building Standard and the other to the highly energy-efficiency Passive House Standard. The boxes will then be filled with an equal amount of ice and displayed for public viewing in St Enoch Square for two weeks. The amount of ice left in each box at the end of this period will be measured, and the level of remaining ice will be used to demonstrate how well each ice box kept out the heat.