By Sara A. Bayer and Carmel Pratt
In this all-hands-on-deck moment for the climate, construction industry professionals have an incredible opportunity to significantly reduce their work’s immediate carbon impact at little to no cost, with tools and strategies available to them today, and without disrupting much of their process. What achieving these levels of reduction does require is critically assessing both the embodied carbon (EC) and operational carbon (OC) of a project. An optimized minimum of a project’s total carbon emissions can only be met by evaluating concurrently EC’s and OC’s relative contributions and the strategies to reduce them, rather than solving for one at the expense of the other.
In the first part of our two-part article, we covered the background context of the science of EC in construction and the tools used in its calculations. In this part, we discuss how Magnusson Architecture and Planning and Bright Power worked together to achieve this optimized minimum in a case study project.
Dekalb Commons
Dekalb Commons is an 85-unit affordable housing development comprising twin, mid-rise buildings set across from one another on Dekalb Avenue in the Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. Dekalb Commons, which will open its doors in 2024, is set to achieve Passive House (Phius) certification. Its program goals included incorporating the most replicable, attractive, and effective strategies for near net-zero operational energy, on-site energy generation, EC reduction across material sectors, decarbonization and full electrification, actionable management tools, healthy living, and resiliency. Dekalb Commons is a 2020 New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Building of Excellence Award winner and was also honored by the agency with a Blue Ribbon for Design Excellence award.
The Delicate Balance
From the beginning, one of the project’s priorities was to achieve a low energy use intensity (EUI) and reduce OC, as that is essential to realizing a host of long-term benefits for the residents, owner, and larger society. Passive House (PH) design principles are proven methods to achieve reductions in OC and low site (and source) EUIs, while balancing comfort and resiliency levels.
The Dekalb Commons project team decided to pursue certification through PHIUS and use the WUFI Passive energy modeling software as a tool to analyze and balance OC throughout the design process. Phius was chosen, because we believe its nuanced space-conditioning targets, based on cost, offer a good foundation to address EC as well. Using BEopt software from the U.S. Department of Energy, Phius created climate-specific and cost-compressed building performance targets, taking into account the points in the BEopt-generated models at which diminishing returns occur with further material investment. EC considerations may also translate to capital cost savings, when schematic design and design development decisions result in less material use overall and, therefore, cost savings to a project.
Schematic Design
Many very early design choices can dramatically affect a project’s EC impact. In urban affordable housing, the goals informing a project’s design often include maximizing the number of apartment units on a given site. This goal in itself is an EC optimization strategy, as large systems can serve more people with a diminishing investment per capita. Additionally, this typically means creating a building with an optimal form factor, or surface-to-volume ratio. Getting more interior volume with less exterior enclosure is ideal from both an operational and EC perspective. Operationally, the building can benefit from the ability to retain internal heat gain, and less insulation is needed. A good form factor also typically goes hand-in-hand with the minimization of cantilevers, offsets in the transfer of forces that necessitate large structural members, and other gymnastics that add cost and EC that may not be essential to creating a beautiful and desirable place to live and thrive.
A multistory project in a dense urban environment facilitates residents’ ability to lead low-carbon lives by providing easy access to transportation and other resources. Researchers have posited, however, that extremely tall high rises are not ideal from an EC perspective, and that, as with increasing insulation, there is a point at which there are diminishing returns to building height. Tall high rises have a high slenderness ratio and far from ideal form factors. Furthermore, more systems and redundancy are needed for life safety and structure, thus requiring more EC investment per capita.
Design Development
The structural system is most likely loosely defined in the schematic phase but is certainly solidified by design development. This project deploys a structural system that is readily available, commonly used in affordable housing in NYC, and cost effective for our typology: concrete-masonry unit (CMU) bearing walls and precast hollow core plank floors. While future projects might include entirely different structural systems, we think it is critical to demonstrate today that reductions are possible on every type of project, even those with a business-as-usual structure. Many of the materials concepts we use now will likely be needed in our zero carbon (near) future; therefore, we need to invest in understanding how to make the lowest carbon versions of these typical construction approaches.
With regards to the idea that systemic change is needed to our business-as-usual structural systems, we acknowledge the idea that mass timber can potentially store carbon. We conclude at the moment, however, that our forestry practices and use of wood products in general does not yet support the idea that we should all use more wood. If we are able to source wood from entirely FSC-certified sources, and environmental product declarations (EPDs) from wood products were to reflect forestry management practices, we would then undertake such a system change for EC reasons (see "A Note on Mass Timber Considerations" below).
Another opportunity to address the balance of OC and EC during early design phases stems from planning the window openings. Windows are part of a biophilic strategy and play a central role in quality of life by providing daylight, connection with one’s surroundings, potential views to nature, and natural ventilation. We design windows that are as large as the operational energy model will allow, and also size and space them based on our chosen cladding’s standard measurements. This results in a cladding waste efficiency of 85% or better, meaning that very little of the cladding is cut or wasted during construction. Here is another example where EC strategies have cost reduction co-benefits.
We typically prefer rainscreen systems as they protect the enclosure control layers and make air barrier installation simpler. Open-jointed (back-vented) systems are ideal, as they require less sealant, which is a material that is tough to decarbonize cost effectively at this point. In recent years, testing has been done on a rain screen method dubbed the “screw through solution”, which essentially uses the rigidity of the insulation to provide part of the stability of the substructure. No girts or clips are required, and, instead, there’s only an unremarkable shallow hat channel and long screws. When we shifted to this design at Dekalb, we saved about $5/ft2 in material costs and also of course, EC. This system, which is virtually thermal bridge free relies on the cladding material being less than 10 lbs/ft2, which does not truly limit design choices.
Construction Documents
An entire building's climate impact can be modeled in a whole building life cycle assessment, in order to evaluate EC reduction options and more, but this is often a costly endeavor for design teams. To help move EC solutions forward, we can learn from pioneers who have used these models to establish the typical hot spots for EC, and we can focus on optimizing those components, and perhaps forego having every firm model their buildings.
For each hot spot—such as the structural and envelope components and interior finishes with large volumes or short life spans—we studied the immediate 10-year time frame of each material choice in terms of OC and EC impact. Thus, we could assess if our project was sacrificing the short-term goal of keeping us under 1.5°C of climate change for a longer-term balance. The buildings in this project are all electric and will eventually operate at net zero in keeping with New York State’s aim to have a 100% renewable grid by 2040. While saving on operational energy is key to actually achieving a reliable renewable grid, using too much EC in the short term to achieve small and longer-term OC benefits may not keep us from wreaking havoc with our climate.
Table 1 is a summary of each material category and how we first optimized them from an EC perspective by selecting certain specifications. (Each studied component and its respective test cases are described in greater detail in the sections that follow the table.) After optimization we tested the quantity of the material or other parameters to see if the EC investment we were making had a reasonable OC payback, again focusing on a 10-year time frame. While the numbers should not be taken literally—there is up to a 30% margin of error as covered in part 1 of this piece—they are helpful in understanding the order of magnitude. Note also that this table of optimized components represents the low-hanging fruit for EC, as the items included have very little or no cost implications.
The OC numbers are based on the difference in site energy (total kBtu) as calculated by WUFI Passive before and after changing the component studied, all else remaining equal. This is important to note, because the resultant difference does not adequately represent interrelated necessary changes, such as, for example, the mechanical system sizing and refrigerant amount effects of increasing the performance of the thermal envelope. Each measure was compared individually as noted in the Table 1 text below each component’s description in the first column. Most of our test cases are designed to examine the effect of changing a material with the goal of lowering EC and then analyzing whether the 10-year OC impact would be worth the reduction. Not all components were able to be tested for OC impact due to modeling constraints or due to no known OC impact. Note, these numbers are depicted in K kg (thousand kilograms) where EC numbers are based on “gate to gate” carbon analysis of a product and OC numbers are based on site EUI of the whole building and converted to source energy emission factor equivalencies.