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Passive House 101

Passive House Intro

The Passive House approach empowers us to build better. It creates durable, resilient buildings that slash heating energy use by as much as 90% and dramatically reduce operational carbon emissions. Passive House design tools and methods make these energy performance gains both cost-effective and predictable. You know what performance to expect with a certified Passive House.

Most importantly, Passive House buildings create healthy, comfortable, and quiet interior environments, full of clean, filtered fresh air.

Passive House Explained in Under 4 Minutes

VIDEO: PH Primer

In this video, we provide a overview of the principles of Passive House.

The Why, What, and How of Passive House

Passive House and Zero Carbon Building

passive house zero carbon graphic

The math of zero carbon building is straightforward: first maximize energy efficiency in buildings, then minimize the embodied or upfront carbon emitted from construction, electrify everything, and power it all with clean energy. Passive House design is the most powerful tool available to dramatically improve energy efficiency in buildings, so it's a great place to start, whether your project is a retrofit or new construction.

LEARN MORE: Why: Passive House Benefits | What: Passive House Standards | How: Passive House Design Principles


PH Crash Course

This 1-hour special takes a dive into the design principles that drive Passive House performance, the wide range of building typologies possible, and how to become a certified Passive House designer or consultant.