This article was originally published on The Passive House Network. The original version can be found here. For more information about rebuilding after a wildfire, visit their page here and follow PHN for updates.
Are Smoke-Tight Buildings Coming to California?
A review of California’s 2028
Building Energy code draft proposals
On January 8th, 2025, as a ring of wildfires devastated sections of Los Angeles, California’s Codes and Standards presented their first update of proposed measures being considered for the 2028 energy code. PHN was in attendance and offers the following review and comments on which measures we’ll be actively supporting if and when they progress:
Proposed measures for single-family homes, in order of our most preferred, include:
Blower Door Testing: this measure proposes reviewing air tightness benefits and adding mandatory blower door testing requirements. The review team has proposed using non-standard modeling software to review the energy impacts of tighter building envelopes. [Hallelujah. We were jumping up and down at this proposed measure – particularly since the proposal includes using alternate software to CBECC-Res and EnergyPlus. Notably, this measure publicly flagged ‘potential software issues’ with CBECC-RES (and Energy Plus), which we have long suspected here in the Passive House community. We further note that our California affiliate, PHCA, has requested this measure be reviewed since 2010. We hope the current fires engulfing Los Angeles will finally convince all Californians that SMOKE-TIGHT construction—with measured verification —is essential in California and that we finally catch up to almost all other States where this is already required.]