BC Passive House
Based in Pemberton, British Columbia, BC Passive House (BCPH), is a prefabrication company specializing in the construction of high-performance panelized building systems and specialized structural panels, including those using cross-laminated timber (CLT), dowel-laminated timber (DLT), and nail-laminated timber (NLT) heavy timber packages. BCPH brings its expertise in Passive House construction to every project. Working out of a 38,000-ft2, state-of-the-art processing facility allows fabrication to occur in a controlled building environment, increasing precision, quality control, and efficiency.
Construction drawings are done in-house using Cadwork design software. Cadwork links our shop drawings to robotic wood-cutting equipment. This technology offers unprecedented design and economic opportunities and places BCPH at the forefront of the newly emerging market for precision timber construction. The ability to create 3D drawings assists in developing concepts, increasing precision, creating accurate pricing, identifying potential problems and solutions prior to construction, and facilitating coordination and timing between different trades on-site, as well as optimizing materials for less waste.