We’d like to welcome our latest Accelerator Partner, Buck Moorhead Architect (BMA)! Founded in 1984 by Principal Buck Moorhead, BMA is a full-service architectural firm based in New York City that specializes in high-performance, low-energy, and carbon neutral design. Moorhead has personally been active in the efficiency and decarbonization movements for even longer (visiting and researching solar communities along the West Coast back in the 1970s), and the firm has been an early adopter and champion of Passive House building standards. Buck is a long-time Board Member of New York Passive House (NYPH) and now its Chair. Remy Moorhead is BMA’s lead Project Architect and a certified Passive House Designer (CPHD).
BMA provides a wide range of commercial, residential, institutional and municipal consulting and design services, from master planning and programming to full construction documentation and observation. BMA also provides consulting services to help owners and development teams comply with New York City’s Local Law 97, one of the most ambitious pieces of climate legislation enacted in the United States and part of the city’s larger effort to reduce carbon emissions.
From a workflow perspective, BMA takes a systems-minded approach to design that allows for greater collaboration with other designers, engineers, and contractors. Better communication and cooperation results in fewer surprises, fewer delays, and a more efficient use of resources. Projects remain on time and on budget, and clients can rely on BMA as the single point of contact for all aspects of project development.