New Passive House Tool Selection Coming to the Passive House Accelerator

Often, when a woodworker needs to make a difficult, non-standard cut, or repeat an action with accuracy and speed it is common to create a small, quick (often imperfect) “jig” to help. Could a similar approach help those of us who work with digital tools all day? Can we improve our skills with our own tool (the computer) well enough to create small, quick (often imperfect) aids to help us deliver our Passive House projects better, faster and with more accuracy?

If you are working in the Passive House sector and are serious about refining your design and engineering process, we want to hear about how you are doing that! No matter how big or how small, how refined or how crude the tools you build are, if you have created an innovative process or tool that helps you create healthy low-energy buildings faster and more accurately, the Passive House Accelerator wants to know about it. Please reach out and let us know about it at [email protected]. We’d love to fold you into the conversation.

Also, stay tuned. To kick off this new Tools section of the Accelerator, we plan to host a virtual Tools Symposium—coming soon.…..

Published: May 4, 2020
Author: Ed May
Categories: Climate Action