Returning in Figure 11 to our case study comparing a code house (chart on the left) with Skylar’s Passive House (chart on the right), the top red line shows the straight-line projection of the average emissions factor for the NWPP eGRID subregion from ASHRAE 189.1. The black line shows the Cambium Tool’s output for the Mid-Case scenario, with the lower operational carbon emission curves reflecting the impact of a modestly paced clean energy transition. The dotted line shows the operational carbon emissions for the buildings in the 95% clean energy by 2050 case, and the dash-dot line shows the operational emissions in the 95% clean energy by 2030 case.
What is crucial to note here is that the total cumulative emissions of the Passive House are lower than the cumulative emissions for the code house in every scenario. Moreover, the total emissions of the Passive House under even the modestly paced “Mid-Case” clean energy transition are still lower than the code house under the very aggressively-paced 95% clean energy by 2030 case. Based on data from the NREL Cambium Tool (for operational carbon emissions projections) and the BEAM Estimator (for embodied carbon emissions), investing in a Passive House enclosure now is a good building decarbonization decision regardless of the pace of the coming clean energy transition.
In closing, we appreciate the opportunity to share this data and rationale with readers and hope that you will explore the open source tool that Skylar has developed to do quick assessments of operational, embodied, and total carbon emissions for your building designs and retrofits. In hopes of sparking dialogue and debate we have been deliberately “open book” in outlining what we view as “best in class” data sources for embodied carbon and operational carbon, and our rationale for viewing them as such.
Upfront carbon, the impact of refrigerants on the CO2e footprint of buildings, and assessments of whether electricity in a region is “clean” or “dirty” are all relatively new areas of knowledge for the AEC community, and we are learning alongside all of you. Based on the emissions data we are seeing from Builders for Climate Action, the U.S. EPA, ASHRAE, and NREL, we see no evidence of a Passive House “burp” in total building emissions except at the very shortest of timescales (1 year, for example).
That is not to say that upfront emissions are not important. They clearly are. But the bulk of upfront emissions come from things like concrete, asphalt shingles, flooring, doors, and gypsum.[8] The insulation and windows in Skylar’s Passive House make up just a small sliver of the home’s upfront emissions but leverage massive savings in operational carbon emissions that will continue for decades. By selecting, whenever feasible, bio-based insulations that store carbon, we can minimize any upfront emissions from our Passive House building enclosures. But let's tackle both operational and upfront emissions head-on by focusing on what will make the biggest emissions impact: addressing the major upfront emissions culprits mentioned previously, and dramatically reducing operational emissions through Passive House load reduction. By doing so we will not only be reducing building emissions with maximum impact, we will also be accelerating the clean energy transition by flattening the wings of the Falcon Curve: the winter heat load of inefficient buildings.
4. The Falcon Curve Source: Griffith, S. (2022). Electrify: An optimist's playbook for our Clean Energy Future. The MIT Press.
5. Buonocore, J.J., Salimifard, P., Magavi, Z. et al. Inefficient Building Electrification Will Require Massive Buildout of Renewable Energy and Seasonal Energy Storage. Sci Rep 12, 11931 (2022).
6. US Environmental Protect Agency. The Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database: eGRID Technical Guide with Year 2020 Data.
7. Diem, A., Quiroz, C. How to Use eGRID for Carbon Footprinting Electricity Purchases in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories. Environmental Protection Agency, July 2012.
8. US Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Carbon Emissions in a Typical New Production Home: A Case Study. February 2023