NYT: 19th Century Home in Brooklyn Gets a 21st Century Makeover

Architects Bobby Johnston and Ruth Mandl (principals of the firm CO Adaptive) purchased an 1889 townhouse in Brooklyn’s Bed-Stuy neighborhood, converted the house to a duplex, and retrofitted it to become an all-electric Passive House—all with an eye to preserving historic details in the home.

Johnson and Mandl describe to the New York Times’ Tim McKeough the feeling of “amazing luxury” inside the home thanks to its thermal comfort and quiet. “There’s just no termperature jump,” Mandl tells McKeough. “You can sit by the window during a blizzard and not feel any draft.”

Read the full article and view striking before/after photography in NYT’s “A 19th-Century Home in Brooklyn Gets a 21st-Century Makeover.”

Photo source: CO Adaptive

Published: September 21, 2019
Categories: Retrofit