Passive House Helping Shape State Energy Codes
British Columbia has been the advance guard in North America when it comes to progressive building energy codes, with its BC Energy Step Code whose Step 5 performance levels closely resemble Passive House targets. More recently, Passive House performance levels have been showing up in U.S. state energy codes from coast to coast—or at least in Massachusetts and Washington. The shift may not yet be an overwhelming groundswell, but it’s a welcome development.
In Massachusetts, the Department of Energy and Resources (DOER) last December released its updated energy code, which is part of the forthcoming 10th edition of the Massachusetts building code. The updated code includes a revised stretch energy code, as well as a second, more advanced tier of the stretch energy code known as the Specialized Opt-in code. Both of these codes include new building enclosure requirements that are quite familiar to Passive House practitioners, such as stipulations regarding air tightness and accurate accounting of thermal performance of assemblies, including glazing systems. The Specialized code goes a step further and requires Passive House certification for multifamily housing over 12,000 square feet.
“To date, 299 of 351 municipalities were already following the previous stretch code in Massachusetts, and as of July 1, 2023, have rolled into the updated stretch energy code. Towns that vote to adopt the new Specialized code will be held to the requirements of that more advanced tier,” says Andrew Steingiser, an associate senior project architect and Passive House consultant at RDH Building Science’s Boston office. RDH was invited to join the DOER’s Stretch Energy Code Technical Advisory Committee, and Steingiser has been serving as RDH’s representative.
“I know through conversations with some of the folks at DOER here that they were looking at Vancouver's model when designing this second, more advanced tier stretch code,” notes Steingiser, adding, “There's a lot of parallels between Vancouver and Boston right now.”
One such parallel is the development of new multifamily buildings that are aiming for Passive House performance in the greater Boston area—not surprising, given these new codes, combined with the generous incentives offered through Mass Save. According to Mass Save, 119 multifamily buildings, with more than 6,700 units, are on track for Passive House certification by 2026.
Schools are another building type whose designers may as well familiarize themselves with Passive House methods. The new requirements for this typology follow a thermal energy demand intensity (TEDI) pathway that can be quite rigorous. The TEDI energy modeling guidelines are new and specific to Massachusetts, so the modeling is not exactly like that done for Passive House, but is influenced by many of the same elements.
One recent school project that Steingiser was consulting on had a heating TEDI requirement of 2.2 kBtu/ft2/yr—or about half of PHI’s heating demand target. “The TEDI requirements are a minimum requirement for some of these program types in the code, but Passive House remains a code compliance option for all building types, so in this scenario, you could choose to pursue Passive House instead,” explains Steingiser. Whether pursuing the Passive House or TEDI compliance pathway, the methods used to achieve the standard overlap significantly: careful attention to the building enclosure detailing with regards to airtightness, adequate R-value, minimizing thermal bridging, the form factor of the building, and percentage glazing, along with heat-or energy-recovery ventilation and optimized mechanical systems.