RetrofitMAINE, a passivhausMAINE initiative, is encouraging, promoting, and collaborating on Passive House and Energiesprong-inspired retrofits of typical New England residential building stock: single family homes, duplexes, and the three-story apartment buildings commonly known as triple deckers. The open-source initiative, which is the brainchild of Naomi Beal, the director of passivhausMAINE, straddles the divide between research and practice, helping to develop and document optimized retrofit practices with an aim to identifying efficiencies of time and cost.
“The core of the retrofitMAINE research initiative is to create equity in our approach to retrofits and our housing supply,” says Beal. Maine has 450,000 existing units that need attention to withstand impending extreme weather events and to transition away from the prevalent reliance on oil for heat to a cleaner, renewable energy source. Maine’s citizens are the oldest in the nation—a vulnerable population—and Maine burns proportionally the largest amount of #2 heating oil per resident in the United States.