RMI Releases Annual Report

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RMI has released their 2022-2023 Annual Report this week, documenting their work around the world in accelerating the clean energy transition and describing the challenges that we still face in creating a more sustainable economy. In their opening statement, CEO Jon Creyts and Chair of the Board of Trustees Ted White write with a balance of hope and concern. Noting that it is true that “the world has the potential to triple solar and wind capacity by 2030,” they temper this sense of optimism with an unfortunate reality that all too many of us have come up against: “The energy transition will not happen naturally or easily given the barriers to change, not least among them powerful vested interests benefitting from the current energy economy.”

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While the full report touches on the many initiatives financed by RMI that are advancing zero-carbon solutions in communities around the globe, members of the Passive House community will find the portion on green building particularly informative, largely from a policy perspective. You can read the entire report here.

Published: October 26, 2023
Author: Jay Fox
Categories: Climate Action