Taking a Passive Voyage Through Europe

The mother and daughter team of Simone Kreutzer Wesslund and Linnea Kreutzer, who are currently on a 75-day trip through Europe visiting Passive House homes. By the end of the trip, they will have traveled through more than 20 countries, visited more than a dozen manufacturers, and viewed 150 Passive Houses.

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Simone is a civil engineer, architect, Passive House expert, and author. Since 2011, she has been leading the Passive House Sweden Interest Group and has been involved in over 30 Passive House schools, preschools, sports halls, and homes in Sweden.

Linnea was born and raised in Sweden and has been involved in house building, fixing binders for Passive House designer courses, and helping her with conferences since she was 15. Since August 2022 she has been interning with the iPHA at the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt.

You can follow their amazing journey on Twitter (click here), Instagram (click here), or YouTube (click here).

Published: May 4, 2023
Author: Jay Fox
Categories: News