Carmel manages teams working on ground-up new construction and rehabilitation projects at Bright Power. She also directs long-term strategic planning for the new construction division and helps cultivate client relationships.
Additionally, Carmel provides oversight for high impact, unique projects that require deep experience, technical guidance, and detail. Daily activities of her division include working with project teams to optimize design and building operation, conducting construction phase inspections and performance testing, and complying with relevant programs such as ENERGY STAR, LEED, NYSERDA, Enterprise Green Communities, and Passive House.
Carmel has a B.S. in Architecture and is a Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC), a LEED Green Rater, and a RESNET HERS Rater. She also is a Board Member for New York Passive House. When she isn’t inside focusing on the built environment, she can be found exploring and enjoying the great outdoors; usually hiking with her dogs.