Component Spotlight: New ERV/HRV Hits the North American Market, with Brink (Arthur Dijkstra) and 475 (Gabrielle O’Grady)

After 475 High Performance Building Supply conducted a round of focus groups asking North American Passive House practitioners what new Passive House materials and components they needed, one clear message kept coming through: give us a new alternative for HRVs and ERVs.

After 475 High Performance Building Supply conducted a round of focus groups asking North American Passive House practitioners what new Passive House materials and components they needed, one clear message kept coming through: give us a new alternative for HRVs and ERVs. Enter Brink and their FLAIR line, now available in North America through 475. In this special Component Podcast episode, Gabrielle O’Grady of 475 and Arthur Dijkstra of Brink discuss the FLAIR units and their exemplary performance in efficiency, power consumption, size, quiet, and cost. They also share the history of HRV/ERV development in Europe and the role that Brink has played over the decades in driving the evolution of this technology that is so vital to Passive House practice.

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Published: January 11, 2024
Categories: Podcast