Passive House Podcast Ep 44: Kylie Mills, BluKube Architects

Matthew interviews architect Kyle Mills, Director of BluKube Architecture in Sydney, Australia, and pioneer of both Passive House practice and education Down Under.

In this episode of the Passive House Podcast, co-host Matthew Cutler-Welsh interviews architect Kyle Mills, Director of BluKube Architecture in Sydney, Australia, and pioneer of both Passive House practice and education Down Under. Their conversation touches on Kylie's early builder apprenticeship with her father and the insights that has brought to her work with tradespeople onsite, her experience watching the trades in Australia ramp up on Passive House practice enough to start enabling deeper Passive House retrofits, and her thoughts about the future of Passive House in Australia.

Near the end of the episode, Matthew and cohost Zack Semke discuss upcoming events, details about which can be found here:

Published: June 21, 2021