Passive House Podcast Ep 52: Mark Siddall, LEAP

Matthew interviews Mark Siddall, founder of LEAP (Lovingly Engineered Architectural Process) about his trailblazing work in the UK.

Passive House Podcast cohost Matthew Cutler-Welsh interviews Mark Siddall, architect, founder, and director of low energy architecture at LEAP ( He’s passionate about enabling people to lead happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives by helping them create a comfortable lifestyle in beautiful, quality assured, ultra low energy homes, workplaces and communities.

Prof. Wolfgang Feist says of Mark, “... he is one of the pioneers to introduce Passivhaus to the UK. His experience and ongoing research into building performance makes him one of the UK’s most skilled and knowledgeable Passivhaus Architects. ...I have no doubt that Mark Siddall’s buildings also offer an economical, attractive solution to the investors.”

Published: September 13, 2021
Categories: Podcast, leaders