Passive House Podcast Ep 68: Sy Safi, Ubergreen Spaces + Homes

Zack interviews Sy Safi, founder of Louisville, Kentucky-based design/build company, Ubergreen Spaces + Homes.

Zack interviews Sy Safi, founder of Louisville, Kentucky-based design/build company, Ubergreen Spaces + Homes. Sy has been a leader in green building and design for well over a decade. In 2012 he created My Green Kentucky Home, a model home that is Kentucky's first Net Zero Energy, Net Zero Water home certified LEED Platinum by the US Green Building Council. Since then, he's adopted the most stringent third-party programs in the Living Building Challenge, Passive House, and the WELL Building Standard, while becoming a Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Home Partner, a Certified Passive House Consultant, Certified Passive House Builder and WELL Accredited Professional. In this interview, Sy talks about how he melds Passive House with WELL and Living Building Challenge in his work, and shares about a new, ambitious development project he's spearheading.

Published: January 3, 2022
Categories: Podcast, leaders