Photos: Madden Studio
Peak Heating load |
Peak Cooling demand |
HERS Rating |
Air Leakage |
4.75 |
2.03 |
-9 |
0.051 |
This is the first PHIUS Passive House and LEED Platinum Certified project in the Northeast US. It utilizes Modified Larsen Trusses, cellulose insulation, reclaimed EPS for around and under the foundation, and diverted 75% of the original house demolition from the landfill. All electric and Net-Zero with backup batteries for power storage and car charging. The landscaping design also contributes to LEED Platinum with use of a bioswale and rain garden connected to the water mitigation system.
Project Team
General Contractor: Nugent CM LLC- www.nugentcm.com
Architect: Christina Griffin- www.christinagriffinarchitect.com
Homeowner: Dan Colombini- www.goldmancopeland.com/our-firm/leadership/
Landscape Architect: Barbara Restaino- www.restainodesign.com
Green Rater: Tony Lisanti- integralbuilding.com