Photos: Evan Maclean
Heating demand |
Cooling demand |
Primary energy renewable (PER) |
Air Leakage |
14kWh/(m2a) |
10kWh/(m2a) |
58kWh/(m2a) |
1.0ACH50 |
The Leichhardt enerPHit is the retrofit of a 100+ year old inner-Sydney terrace house to passive house standards, resulting in a house that requires 90% less energy to heat and cool than in its unrenovated state. The main focus for the renovation was year-round comfort. Although the budget may have afforded additional floor space, thermal comfort a higher priority than more space. Having lived in Germany, the owners were aghast at the discomfort they endured at the home prior to the retrofit in the much milder Sydney climate. The end result is a house that is comfortable year-round with almost no requirement for active heating/cooling. An added bonus is the vastly reduced noise levels inside the house from car and plane traffic.
Project Team
Eclipse passive house https://www.eclipsepassivehouse.com.au/,
LAB Design https://labdesign.com.au/