The Heights


Heating Demand

7 kWh/(m2a)

Pressurization Test Result

n50: 0.29ac/h

PE Demand

117 kWh/(m2a)

The Heights is located at 388 Skeena Street on the east side of Vancouver. This project includes 85 residential units over 420 sqm of retail area. It is built as mixed construction with a concrete parkade and main floor and second floors with 5 storeys of wood frame above. The project is located in PHPP climate zone 3 (cool-temperate) and utilizes as compact a plan as permitted by local planning requirements. The exterior wall assembly has an u-Value of 0.138W/m2K and is comprised of rain screen cladding, moisture barrier, 2x6 structural frame insulated with R22 glass fibre batts, 2” thick sheets of polymer surfaced expanded polystyrene (EPS) panels taped & sealed as an air barrier and 2x4 service cavity insulated with R14 glass fibre batt. Other than the service cavity wall this construction is familiar to local trades and allows hanging brick, balconies, handrails and sunshades without thermal bridging. The roof assembly is 6” of polyisocyanurate on EPS slopes with fully insulated 2x10 joist cavities. A WUFI analysis showed no concerns with either assembly. The elevator shaft is insulated on the inside in the parkade and the floors over the parkade are top- insulated to control thermal bridging. The project is using EuroLine Windows (Series 4700, ThermoPlus) with an U-Value of Ug = 0.70W/(m2K). To the west the windows use a lower g-Value and towards the south exterior sun shades help prevent over heating. Each residential unit is ventilated by a high efficiency HRV system (Zehnder ComfoAir 550). The HRV’s are located on the top floor and serve a stack of up to 5 units.

Architectural: Cornerstone Architecture

Structural: Weiler Smith Bowers Consulting Structural Engineers Mechanical: Integral Group Electrical: Nemetz (S/A) Associates Ltd.

Building Envelope: Aqua-Coast Engineering Ltd.

Certified Professional: Camphora Engineering

Landscape: Durante Kreuk Ltd.

Surveyor: Ken K. Wong and Associates

Geotechnical: Horizon Engineering Inc.

Acoustical: BAP Acoustics Ltd.

Contractor: Peak Construction Group

PH Certifier: Passive House Academy

Service Provider(s)

Published: April 20, 2021