Adopting Innovative Manufacturing Techniques - Offsite LGS Structures | Building Performance Interactive Ep. 7

BPI Ep. 7 Social

The seventh episode of our Building Performance Interactive, ‘Adopting Innovative Manufacturing Techniques - Offsite LGS Structures’, focuses on the sustainability benefits of light gauge framing and precision of the offsite manufacturing process, in designing and building high-performance. We explore the life cycle of a unique multi-unit regenerative project in Ireland - Drumhierny Woodland Hideaway, where the focal point is protecting the natural woodlands through carbon-neutral construction.The co-hosts along with Accelerator visit the Framespace factory and site. Paddy Mahon, Head of Design and Engineering and the team talks about the innovative solutions and techniques used in the production of the 16 units, based on light gauge steel assemblies, covering the factors that contribute to the delivery of fabric energy performance, thermal efficiency, and reduced carbon footprint.

Published: April 21, 2022