Video Entries Articles Collection Shading Passive House Marketing 101 Heat Recovery & Energy Recovery Ventilators (HRV & ERV) "Passivhaus in Australia" Highlights the Versatility and Artistry of the Passive House Standard What Should You Know About Passive House Windows with Ben Leer Tim McDonald on Making Multifamily Passive House a Reality Timothy McDonald: Front Flats, a Passive House Wrapped in Solar PV Michelle Apigian: Passive House Details for Multifamily Projects Andrew Peel: Designing and Building the 1st Passive House Car Dealership Sally Godber: UK Passive House Social Housing Tomas O'leary: Ireland's Largest Passive House Development Tessa Smith: Madison Passive House Ed May: Candela Lofts + Passive House "Jigs" Graham Irwin: Future Proofing for Energy and Water Kate Nason: Melbourne Passive House Urban Infill Tom Bassett-Dilley & Timothy Eberline: Carrol Center PH Renovation Ya'el Santopinto & Graeme Stewart: Ken Soble Tower Retrofit Passive House Component Spotlight: Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US Joanna Grab & Jennifer Leone: Data (not anecdotes) Passive House Throw Down: NYC Vs Vancouver Stacey Smedley: Measuring and Reducing Embodied Carbon Anjanette Green: RESET Building Standard + IAQ Wei Kuang: Passive House in China Passive House Tour: Brooklyn Brownstone Retrofit Bronwyn Berry: Cycling Toward Industry Transformation Sangeetha Sambandam: Passive House Takes a Village Aaron Swain: Solis in Seattle Ian Robertson: Blindheim Passive House Juhee Lee & James Hartford: Historic Passive House Retrofit Lois Arena: Passive *Not* House Todd Rothstein: PH Simplicity *IS* Affordability Marine Sanchez: Passive House Dorm at U Toronto Bill Hayward: Hayward Score Data and Health in Passive House Homes Passive House Component Spotlight: Zola Windows uPVC Options Sloan Ritchie and Brandon Nicholson: Pax Futura First PH Apartment in Seattle James Geppner: RetrofitNY NYSERDA Passive House on the Frontlines: Wildfire Smoke & Indoor Air Quality Amy Egerter & Martha Campbell: Realize, Rocky Mountain Institute Susan Jones, atellierjones: Maine's Forest Economy Jesse Thompson: Six Lessons Passive House Component Spotlight: Partel's Vara System Mauren Longhurst, Sam Rodell Architects: Fernan Lake House Passive House PREFAB Summit Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech: Skylight Install Passive House In Mexico: Marisa Egea and Elena Reyes The Happy Hour Lowdown: Artscape Edition Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech Tuesday: Thermally Broken Deck PHIUS+ 2021: Preview and Input Session Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech: PHUNK Chris Higgins: Vancouvers Passive House Proliferation Passive House Prefab Summit II - A Deeper Dive The Heights: Gesa Zellermann and Scott Kennedy, Cornerstone Architects Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech: Invisible Efficiencies of Prefab Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech: Taste the Rainbow of Wood Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech: Mock it to Me Michael Ingui, Baxt Ingui Architects: PH Plus Retrofit in NYC Landmark District Adam Romano: PH Domestic Hot Water Catch this Sneak Peak of SoLo Cillian Collins: SoLo Passive House Airtightness and the Truth of the Red Door: Construction Tech Tuesday Lois Arena: Lessons Learned from VRF Systems Aaron McCormack & Kevin Brennan: Fluid Applied Air Barriers Deborah Moelis: Guiding University of Toronto to Passive House Prudence Ferreira: Avoiding PH PH@#$ Ups Jesper Kruse: A Multiyear Retrofit Brandon Weiss: Off-site PH Projects Amy Failla: Historic Firehouse Retrofit Passive House Retrofit Summit Construction Tech Crew: Smart A.S.S. Tools Dennis Wedlick: Rural Build Iniative Jeevan Thaker: Ventilation Lessons Learned EnerPHit Plan Innsbruck: Laszlo Lepp Goldsmith Street Passive House Development Wins Prestigious Riba Stirling Prize 2019 EPA Indoor airPLUS v2 Webinar Mariana Pickering & Enrico Bonilauri: Mock-Ups + Installation Natalie Leonard, Passive Design Solutions: Bringing Passive House to the Mainstream She Who Constructs Sandra Rohler: Little Mountain Cohousing Manon Meskens: Belgian Retrofit Case Studies Construction Tech: Ed May (bldgtyp) & Amy Failla (Baxt Ingui Architects) Kim Walton on Preserved Wood + PH foundations Cliff Chambers & Luis Garcia: Site Super Insights In Cho, ChoShields Studio: Gramercy Townhouse Retrofit 475 High Performance Building Supply Component Spotlight Scott Farbman: PHirst PHIUS Rehab Chicago Silvergreen Passive House at the Global Passive House Happy Hour Jeff Langford: From Code to High Performance Micheel Wassouf: "The Carrob" Public School EnerPHit in Barcelona Trey Farmer & Nikki Kruger: Hot Humid Climates Oliver Style: Airtightness and Moisture Control for Retrofits Saving Wet Buildings: Bob Kelly, WickRight Multifamily Passive House Incentive Programs for Low Income House | Bev Craig Passive House Policy Summit Washington State Passive House Policy for Ventilation and Airtightness | Mike Fowler Monadnock Construction: Multifamily Passive House Zeina Talje: Developing Passive House and Net Zero Condos Kyle Macht: Teufel Project Tim Eian, TE Studios Presents Lexington Parkway Passive House Reid Rowland: Energy Star to Passive Kohta Ueno, Building Science Corporation: Low Carbon Retrofit Case Study Steve Hessler: Unpacking the SIMM Method Lessons from a PHI Certifier with Melissa Furukawa Doig River Culture Center Passive House Project Indwell's Affordable Passive House Portfolio in Ontario Nuutsumuut Lelum Affordable Multifamily Passive House in Canada Resilience in Canada BC Energy Step Code and Passive House | Robyn Wark, BC Hydro Building Codes and Passive House, ASHRAE 227 Committee | Prudence Ferreira Embodied Carbon and Passive House Policy in British Columbia | Anthony Pak Local Law 97 and Passive House | Tom Eisele Restorative Climate Justice and Passive House | Bomee Jung Daniel Kress: Cooling in Passive House Talina Edwards: Owl Woods Passive House PHIUS 2021 Launch Gary Klein: Reduce the Time-to-Tap Multifamily Passive House Design and Construction in Vancouver Marius Șoflete: Largest PH Office Building in Eastern Europe St. Marks Avenue 10-unit condominium in Crown Heights Mario Bissessiar: Single Unit Retrofit Single Unit High Performance Retrofit in a Historic Building | Part 2, Design Air & Moisture Barriers in Complete Wall Systems | Sto Corp Component Spotlight Special Passive House Component Episode: Rob Conboy of Glavel Jon Jensen: Compartmentalization Sri Lanka Passive House Garment Factory Centering Equity in Passive House Workshop Connor Malloy: Student Wall Assembly Competition Measured vs. Modeled Performance of a Senior Living Passive Building Zola Windows for Landmarked Restorations | Passive House Component Spotlight Josie Constantini: Passive House Window Install Details Satpal Kaur: The Hidden Story of Building Injustice Craig Stevenson, Derrick Tillman & James Curry: Fifth & Dinwiddie Sunflower Social Housing Project Rob Hosken: Protecting Passive Building Performance Gary Klein: Passive House Plumbing Part 2 Solar Decathlon Student Projects Mark Wille on the Shop Class Podcast Passive Housing for Climate Refugees | Venice Biennial 2021 Shaun St-Amour, Mary McWilliam & Alex Hebert: Back to School Passive House Schools Insights Design Details & User Experience Basic PHysics - Hygrothermal 1 Basic Physics How to Make a 3 Minute Project Tour Los Angeles Passive House, The Utimate In Home Comfort PHIUS 2021 Prescriptive Path Sunnyvale Passive House - Life with No Power Bills Norm Horn & Gary Moshier: Fraley Street EnerPHit Harbor Village Affordable Housing 60 Stearns Victorian Passive House Project Innotech Component Spotlight | New PHI Certified Windows and Doors A Living Building's Construction Details A Living Building With Passive Design Building PH During Supplies + Labor Shortages Recladding a 20-Story Apartment Building Bonus Video Podcast: Rainer Pfluger at the 25th International Passive House Conference Bonus Video Podcast: Aisha Liebehenz + Susanne Winkel at the 25th International Passive House Conference Bonus Video Podcast: Benjamin Krick at 25th International Passive House Conference Allison Bailes: Duct Design for Low-Static Air Handlers Bonus Video Podcast: Giorgia Tzar at 25th International Passive House Conference Bonus Video Podcast: Berthold Kaufmann at 25th International Passive House Conference Rheingold Senior Residence Balanced Passive House ROCKWOOL’S Stone Wool Solution for Passive House Component Spotlight Bonus Video Podcast: Jessica Grove-Smith + Jan Steiger at 25th International Passive House Conference Bonus Video Podcast: Ron Beattie at 25th International Passive House Conference PREFAB EXPERTS HIVE MIND Vancouver Firehall 17 Affordable High Performance Design in Western Alabama Larch Corner Passive House + Timber LAMILUX Glass Architecture: Living with light Low Rise Building as a Climate Solution Net Zero Energy New Day School Building Performance Interactive Episode 1 with Tomas O'leary Passive House Crash Course SIMM Part 2 Thoughtful Rebuilding After a Devastating Fire Season International Passive House Days with Virtual Tour of Engine 16 Tiny Mobile Passive House Office Brooklyn Heights Passive House Retrofit Philly Green Roof Solar Tour 1000+ Passive House Apartments in Spain MMC - Offsite Timber Frame Construction | Building Performance Interactive Ep. 2 Partel's Advanced Self-Adhesive Membrane for Weathertight Buildings Solar Education for High Schoolers Challenges (& Solutions) in Custom Passive House Panelization Foam Glass Solutions for Passive House and Glavel Factory Tour Ubergreat PHKUPS How to Transition to a Passive House Practice with Bronwyn Barry Waterproof Breathable Fabrics in Low Carbon EnerPHits at Scale | Building Performance Interactive Ep. 3 Accelerate the Adoption of Direct Current Microgrids Reaching Net Zero on the Sea Dense Packed Cellulose Insulation Olive Passive House Tools for Tracking Embodied Carbon From Humble Beginnings to High Performance Super-Insulated Airtight Passive House Homes | Building Performance Interactive Episode 4 10 Ways to Ruin Your Blower Door Score (& Remedies) SMART Airtightness Strategies Threepwood Passive House Air Barriers for Retrofits and New Construction with PROSOCO PHribbon and Embodied Carbon with Tim Martel | Building Performance Interactive Ep. 5 UBC Skeena Student Residence Ventilating for Healthy Indoor Environments Hobson Place: PH Supportive Housing in Seattle Passive House Prefab Summit: From Design to Delivery Achieving Thermal Performance in Modular CLT Developments | Building Performance Interactive Ep. 6 Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle | A Discussion with Lloyd Alter Does Passive House Cost The World? NYSERDA Buildings of Excellence Round 3 Announcement and Onsite Presentation at Engine 16 Making a Carbon-Free Future a Reality Adopting Innovative Manufacturing Techniques - Offsite LGS Structures | Building Performance Interactive Ep. 7 Concrete-Free Slab On Grade Foundations with Josh Salinger West Bay Passive House, Innovative Design Features and Lessons Learned Zero Six: Urban Passive House in the New Age of Adaptation Top Ten Ways to Know You Are Buying Quality Windows, with Sam McAfee, Zola Windows Environmental Charter School: Living and Proving the Mission Kiss House - Challenging Design, Performance and Delivery | Building Performance Interactive Ep.8 The Truth About 3D Printed Homes Putting the Punk into Passive House, Part 1 Putting the Punk into Passive House, Part 2 Putting the Punk into Passive House, Part 3 Putting the Punk into Passive House, Part 4 A Developer’s Perspective: Transforming Communities with Passive House Window Geek's Guide to Installs: Field Problems and Solutions Northern Liberties Passive Rowhouse Modeling Window Details: Ensuring High Performance Window Stay High Performance How to Get the Most from Your Windows and Doors: Passive House Component Spotlight, Innotech Windows High-Performance, Multi-Family Building Envelopes with Ken Keifer of SIGA First & Templeton Breaking the Norm: Influencing the Design Process and Emerging Markets for PH Puerto Madero, Urban Development on the Outskirts of Cartagena, Colombia Construction Tech Community: Passive House Projects Welcome to Glavel Saxon Hill The Art and Practice of Fenestration with Davyd Funk and Alfred Jury of EuroLine Windows Educating the Next Generation, Introducing Kids to Passive House Beyond Passive House, Where To Go Next Urban Passive House, Episode 1: INFILL Electrification & Energy Recovery in Student Residence: Commercial Kitchen Typology Kentucky Phius Project: Highlighting Strategies and Offsite Fabrication Methods Making a Highly Efficient, Sustainable Home: The Ostro Passivhaus Systematic Moisture Management with Kevin Brennan Not a Tradeoff—PH Efficiency & Embodied Carbon IRL A (passive house) Tower Revolution: a Disruptor Goes Up in Boston Catching up with Rob Conboy, a Glavel Passive House Component Podcast Lamilux Comfort Solo Component Spotlight with Jeremy Latriano Winthrop Center: Leading an Evolution in Office Space Mahnaz Nikbakht + Rob Blount, a ROCKWOOL Component Podcast Episode Minimizing Carbon in Multifamily Systems Heat2O: The Future of Water Heating with Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US Introducing the FLAIR 325/400 from Brink with 475 High Performance Building Supply Affordable Multi-Family Passive House: A Denser Path to Clean Urban Passive House Episode 2: Cooper Park Commons Interview with Source 2050 co-founder John Knapp at PhiusCon 2022. Building Passive House: On Spec, During a Pandemic, and In a Weird Market Carver House: A Perspective on Passive House Workforce Development Urban Passive House, Episode 3: Rubin Hall Retrofit ReTHINK PrePHab with Shannon Pendleton Passive House Applications of Foamed Glass Aggregate with Aero Aggregates Introducing Next Gen: What’s Next For the PHuture of Building? In a Finite World, Why Stop at Passive House? Source2050 - Closing the Gap Between Specifying and Sourcing The Designer's Roadmap to High Performance HVAC Offsite Construction Meets Growing Demand Component Spotlight: Achieving Passive House Levels of Airtightness with the Portascanner AIRTIGHT 10 Steps to Designing Your First Passive House Scale: Exploring the Extents of Passive House Fifth Street Passive House: Modeled and Measured Performance Six & Kane: First EnerPhit Plus Commercial Building in the United States 10 Steps to Building Your First Passive House with Mariana Pickering Structural Fire Safety Testing in Offsite Manufactured Energy-Efficient Buildings How Am I Building Two Passive House Mixed Use Development at the Same Time? Reaching Zero: Insulation Solutions from Owens Corning Retrotec | Special Passive House Component Episode with Sam Meyers Salem Heights: Challenges That Led to Opportunities Buildings of Excellence Round 3 Awards Ceremony by NYSERDA Industrial Retrofits: Moving from Concept to Construction Offsite Construction Methods: Using Prefabricated Panels Healthy Materials: Up-Level Your Interiors & Passive House Projects 10 Steps to Building Your First Single Family Passive House 10 Steps to Designing A Single Family Passive House: Tips and Tricks From an Architect Vienna House: Designing for Connectedness & Climate Resilience You're Invited to Reimagine Buildings Cracking the Case by Thinking Thermally Passive House Explained in Under 4 Minutes Touring an Architect's Eco-Friendly Brooklyn NYC Townhouse | Passive Pads Salem Heights Apartments Retrofit: Old Apartments Made Healthy Tales from the Trenches: Passive House Ventilation Commissioning Roadblocks Passive House and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with ROCKWOOL INSIDE a Deep Energy Retrofit of Carriage House in Brooklyn NYC | RETRO:FIT California MCM Re-Envisioned: PH in Warm Climates BPI Episode 3: Retrofitting and Remodelling a Timber Frame House to EnerPHit Standard Pre-Fabulous: A Fast Passive House Build With Prefab Panels + Timber Frame Modern Bones For Next Generation Homes: Marshall Fire Rebuild Massachusetts Took Passive House to Scale – You Can Too! INSIDE a DIY Deep Energy Retrofit (a Passive House EnerPHit) 10 Steps to Designing a Multifamily Passive House Iconic Retrofits Bring Passive House to Brooklyn, NYC | Massive Passive Minimize, Maximize or Balance: Designing for Net Zero on an Urban Site Component Spotlight: Guaranteed High Performance Air Sealing with PH Airseal A Next Gen Look at "Upfront CA" The Pointe at Hills Farm: Design Insights & Construction Prep Don't Judge a House by its Cover - Better Stories Means Better Buildings Making the case for ERV's in Multifamily Buildings Buildings of Excellence Round 4 Awards Source 2050 - Innovative Solutions for Familiar Struggles Natalie Seagriff on Trauma-Informed-Design and NYSERDA's Buildings of Excellence Round 4 Ed Ettinger on Circularity and the Malcolm Shabazz Harlem Project, a Buildings of Excellence Winner Behind the Scenes with Lois Arena and the Buildings of Excellence Round 4 Awards Sean Flynn of Curtis + Ginsburg discusses Three Arts, a NYERDA Buildings of Excellence Award Winner Fernando Villa and Sarah Bayer on the Carmen Villegas Apartments, a Buildings of Excellence Winner Mark Ginsberg on 819 Grand and Round 4 of the NYSERDA Buildings of Excellence Competition Illya Azaroff on the impact of NYSERDA's Buildings of Excellence Awards Program Family Rebuilds Stronger After Marshall Fire, With Passive Home Refreshing a Local Icon Into Clean, Green Housing at Bank Lofts INSIDE a Brand New Passive House Renovation in Brooklyn, NYC | Passive Pads Can a WAREHOUSE be a Passive House? 10 Steps to Hardening Your Home Against Wildfire This Green Remodel Is A Solar Powerhouse | Passive Pads Inside a SUPER EFFICIENT Philadelphia Rowhouse | Passive Pads How Healthy Housing Can Help Rebuild Lives Design Meets Construction: Principles for Small Practices Single Family Passive House: Proving the Model Energy Efficiency: Rethinking Form, Passive Solar, and Heat Pumps Architect's Insight: From Training to Passive House Specialist Bhutan Law Library: Bridging Tradition and Passive Design Following the Little Red Line: Developing & Executing Air Sealing Strategies for Panelized Buildings 101 Series: [Un]usual Suspects Of Building Science: Details That Matter Applying the Passive House Standard to Community Centers A New Model for Affordable Passive House A New Approach to Cold Air Distribution 101: Can We Eliminate Heating and A/C Getting the WELLness into the Passive House Technical Details of Carriage House Retrofit Sendero Verde Multifamily Passive House: Louis Koehl & Ryan Lobello Season Kickoff for PHA Live! Maximize the Value of your Passive House Models Fast Tenant-in-Place Passive House Retrofit with Energiesprong You Can Make Socially Responsible, Green, Affordable Housing Component Spotlight: Intelligent Weather Barriers for Passive Projects PHA Live! Next Up: Improving our Passive House Modeling Tools Cross Cabin: Designing a Zero-Carbon Future | Project of the Month Triple-Pane Windows: A Look Beyond U-Values Breaking New Ground: Ultra-Low Carbon Housing in Vancouver Path Toward Zero: Material Choice in Low-Carbon Design DfMA in Offsite Construction : Current Challenges and Future-Ready Solutions Project of the Month: Scaling Passive Homes with Microfactories 101 Series: How to Reduce Embodied Carbon The Future of Package Terminal Heat Pumps (PTHPs) and Passive House The Catskill Project: De-Carbonized Single Family Development in Rural NY | Passive House Live Decarbonized Homes, Healthier Communities Component Spotlight: A First Look at the 475 HQ Office 101 Series: Electrification and Decarbonized Construction 101 Series: 10 Steps to Building your First Passive House Mission Driven Passive House: Mercy Greenbrae at Marylhurst Commons | Project of the Month | PHA Live How to NOT Put a Pin In It Lindsey Elton & Emily Rhea: The RED Door of Truth Pathways to Affordable Electrification: Geothermal, Passive House, and Beyond | Next Up! | PHA Live Maximizing Efficiency in Domestic Hot Water Systems | Construction Tech | PHA Live In Cho To Present on Her EnerPHit Retrofit of a Manhattan Townhouse This March Jennifer Hogan, Pretium: Stepwise Tower Retrofit Why Princeton is Betting Big on Passive House | Massive Passive Airtightness in Residential Retrofits | Project of the Month | PHA Live! Passive Modular Case Study: Navigating Construction for Multifamily Projects What Wall Assembly and Insulation Type Should I Use? Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech: Exterior Insulation Install Balancing Carbon with Passive Strawbale Mastering Modern EIFS with Stone Wool Insulation | Passive House Component Spotlight Mastering Window Airtightness for High-Efficiency Buildings | Construction Tech | PHA Live! INSIDE Boston's New High-Performance Skyscraper The (Air) Ins and Outs of Passive House Ventilation Join us for Reimagine Buildings '24 on March 7-8, 2024 Implementing Cutting Edge & Circular MEP Strategies within Passive Mixed-Use Affordable Housing Elevating Fire Resilient Design with Passive House Principles | ROCKWOOL Component Spotlight Electrification the Multifamily Passive House Way Beyond Efficiency: Unveiling the Embodied Carbon Challenge in Low-Carbon Construction Partel Component Spotlight | Weather Tightness and Protection for Modern Methods of Construction Layering Thermal Control into an Existing Building Euroline Component Spotlight | Architectural Marvel: Inside the Thermoplus 4700 Series 101 Series: No Thermal Bridges Passive House Air Management in a Warm Humid Climate TOURING an Art Collector's Stunning Passive House | Passive Pads Leading with Humanity: Passive Interior Design 101 Series: High-Performance Windows & Doors INSIDE NYC's New Affordable Eco High-Rise Thermal Performance: Exterior Insulated Wood Walls & Window Installation INSIDE a Passive House Expert's DIY Retrofit NYC Holistic Decarbonization: The Role of Retrofit How Buildings Are Key To Fighting Climate Change Life Cycle Analysis: How, What, and What's Next? 101 Series: Continuous Insulation How This Family Rebuilt Their Home Stronger after Wild Fire Insulating with Natural Materials | 101 Series | PHA Live Finch Cambridge: The New Green Era of Affordable Housing | Massive Passive Sto Corp Component Spotlight: Combining Passive House Performance + Aesthetic Versatility Schools: Active Learning, Passive House Student Residences in Passive House: Scaling Challenges & Insights Passive Voyage Across Europe 475 Supply Component Spotlight: Mass Timber Weather Protection: ADHERO VISTO PH 101 Series: Airtightness Interview with Adam White of Intelligent Membranes Go Inside This 100% Passive House District in Germany Passive House for Elderly Residents in Warm Climates: Meeting Unique Technical Challenges Buildings of Excellence: Working For a Low Carbon Future Inside the First Passive House School on The West Coast High Energy Performance With Low Carbon Building Materials Comparing Different Window and Door Material Options with IKON Windows How to Protect the Air Inside Your Home from Wildfire Smoke Touring a Stunning Passive House in the Rockies | Passive Pads Passive House Multi Family: Best Practices and Lessons Learned How A Passive House Retrofit Protected Couple’s Home From Fire Urban Passive House Episode 4: Charlotte of the Upper West Side Hot Climate, Cool Solutions: Inside Seville's Passive House Hotel How to Detect Air Leaks in Your Building, and Why It Matters Building with Straw Insulated Panels | Project of the Month | PHA Live!