Steve Hessler: Unpacking the SIMM Method

0518phactt video

We welcomed Holzraum System’s Steve Hessler to last week’s Construction Tech. Described as a “modeling jedi” by cohost Shannon Pendleton, Steve talked about the SIMM™ (single integrated manufacturing model) method of prefabrication pioneered by Holzraum. As cohost Kevin Brennan said to kick off the episode, “The technical is out of this world. The amount of information that he’s going to pour onto the screen and the value of the lessons over his career that he’s going to share with everyone will not only make a difference in construction, but also push Passive House to the next level.”

Steve focuses the majority of his presentation on how the SIMM method plays a central role in allowing project participants—clients, designers, tradespersons—to communicate, cooperate, and collaborate on the project simultaneously. The SIMM method also allows Holzraum to create a part-based model. To learn more about this amazing technology, check out the video above!

Published: May 18, 2021
Author: Jay Fox