Talina Edwards: Owl Woods Passive House

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Last week Talina Edwards joined us at Global Passive House Happy Hour. Talina is a certified Passive House designer,  Australian Passive House Association board member, and principal at Talina Edwards Architecture. Based in Ballarat, Australia, Talina’s firm creates healthy and beautiful architecture using biophilic design, which harnesses architectural design techniques to connect building occupants with nature and natural elements.

During her talk, Talina unpacked lessons learned from the award-winning Owl Woods Passive House. Breaking ground in 2016, Owl Woods became one of the first architect-designed passive houses in Australia at the time of its completion in 2019 and raised the bar for sustainable architecture on the continent. The Owl Woods is located on a large sloped site, the pavilion home’s layout situated around a central living area between two wings with bedrooms and bathrooms and ample outdoor deck spaces that connect the house with the surrounding gardens. Dealing with the less-than-optimal form factor, combined with the variable climate, Talina and her team set themselves three primary challenges: 1. not being afraid to push the envelope. 2. Not being afraid to push their comfort zone. 3. Not being afraid to push expectations.

Find out all about how Talina and her team met these challenges, pushing herself, her team, and the project into new territory and successfully producing a Passive House that deeply satisfied her clients.

Published: May 26, 2021
Author: Robin Cassatt-Johnstone