This Project Showcase features Kia Weatherspoon's groundbreaking work in Interior Design Equity Services, as she collaborates with Michael Hindle of Passive to Positive, to present the Barry Farm Passive House Project in Washington, D.C. In this video, they will explore the unique challenges, costs and parallels associated with integrating Passive House principles with healthy interior design materials.
For Kia Weatherspoon, interior design is no longer a luxury reserved for a privileged few; it has become an essential standard for all. Discover how Kia has crafted a design practice centered on People and Anti-Luxury, emphasizing the importance of initiating your design journey with in-depth research, care, and a commitment to health and equity.
The presentation explores fundamental steps for sourcing sustainable and bio-based materials, and how tailoring your specifications and resident education can be a valuable asset in enhancing your client's experience.