Passive House for Elderly Residents in Warm Climates: Meeting Unique Technical Challenges

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Oliver Style joined our recent Construction Tech edition to present lessons learned from the design and construction of a Passive House that is a senior citizen’s residency in a warm climate. In this video, the featured project is the first of seven in design and construction by the same developer along the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Offering a projected 80% reduction in energy bills compared with existing residencies, the presentation examines the unique challenges in resolving ventilation requirements, achieving airtightness and preparing preliminary testing in large buildings, as well as planning for summer performance and overheating risk. Oliver is a Passive House Certifier, Trainer and Consultant, a Master of Architecture, Energy and Environment at the University of East London, and the CEO of Praxis Resilient Buildings, an engineering company based in Barcelona. The firm specializes in building energy efficiency, hygrothermal simulation, building physics, healthy indoor spaces, renewable materials, and HVAC system design. Oliver works with free-thinkers, designers, and developers in the creation and construction of healthy, comfortable and high-performance buildings.

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Published: July 26, 2023