Component Spotlight: Guaranteed High Performance Air Sealing with PH Airseal

0 CS 061523 PHAirseal

Lawrence Lindner, a third generation tradesman, provides a comprehensive overview of what sets PH Airseal apart and why their approach is crucial in the current high performance building landscape. New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut all require new builds to hit an ach50 per code. Lawrence's team is able to hit this requirement 100% of the time while only being onsite for one day or less.

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In this video, he will delve into the intricacies of the process, highlighting its importance and the benefits it offers to various stakeholders. PH Airseal is a company focused on the future, in present day. Their sole focus is Air sealing residential and commercial spaces, thus allowing them to be more energy efficient, creating a more durable building and providing better indoor air quality.

Published: June 15, 2023