Lessons from a PHI Certifier with Melissa Furukawa

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Passive House Consultant Melissa Furukawa, a certifier and manager of the training program at Peel Passive House Consulting, ran viewers through a rapid series of often-overlooked to-dos when seeking PHI certification for a project. Furukawa started with tips on using the PHPP’s Check worksheet, which screens project inputs for any implausible data, such as significantly different floor areas in separate worksheets or outrageously low U-values for glazing units. A quick run-through with Check can help avoid poor project assumptions, and even embarrassing errors.

From there she jumped to potential solutions to such vexing thermal bridges as those caused by plumbing stacks. Plumbing stack thermal bridges can add up in multifamily buildings, as can heat losses at exterior doors, but fortunately, Furukawa has tips and tricks for these connections earned from years of consulting experiences and so many others as well. Correctly balancing ventilation supply and exhaust, avoiding summer overheating—get a window into her expert advice by watching the video here.

View chat transcript.

Published: May 19, 2021
Author: Mary James