Building Performance Interactive Episode 1 with Tomas O'leary

BPI Episode 1 visual

In this first installment of our new UK/Ireland-based Building Performance Interactive monthly miniseries, Passive House luminary Tomás O'Leary will join cohosts Ben Adam-Smith (House Planning Help), Hugh Whiriskey (Partel), and Mike Jacob (KISS House) for "Train-to-nZEB - Centres of Excellence for High-Performance Buildings in EU." The session will feature a live interactive focus on hands-on construction training to help the industry upskill in the area of high-performance building—insightful, real-world training that can deliver nZEB and Passive House targets in the context of the latest building regulations. We will visit the Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Centres with Tomás, who will provide a tour of the centres and talk about his experience as an educator, as well as how crucial practical training programs on retrofits, airtightness, and ventilation have been in creating a stronger workforce and construction industry in Ireland and abroad.

Published: October 28, 2021