The (Air) Ins and Outs of Passive House Ventilation

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Our February 101 session samples the magic ingredients of well designed and implemented Passive House ventilation systems. Experiences and issues from the field will complement the exploration of design requirements and best practices. In this video, discover how fresh air and energy efficiency can go hand-in-hand. Learn about the key Passive House ventilation requirements. Explore common approaches, best practices, issues and pitfalls with design and implementation of ventilation systems in Passive House.

Andrew is a Passive House Certifier, Consultant, Trainer, and researcher. He was the first English-speaking Certifier accredited by the Passive House Institute in Germany and translated the original contract. Andrew has done a technical deep dive on numerous important Passive House topics, including ventilation, aiming to clarify confusion, align European and North American data and requirements, and break down barriers to widespread Passive House adoption.

Published: February 7, 2024
Categories: Video, Building Science