In 2017, there was only one multifamily Passive House building certified in Massachusetts. Today, there are over 120 Passive House multifamily buildings with more than 10,000 rental units that are certified, design certified, or in design. And Passive House adoption will accelerate even more in Massachusetts now that energy code requires Passive House in many communities.
In this video, Jayne Lino and Beverly Craig of Massachusetts Clean Energy Center join the Accelerator to share strategies and lessons that could build momentum in your state for Passive House multifamily and low embodied carbon buildings. What are the pilot programs, efficiency program incentives, and code changes that have led to this momentum? What lessons can you adapt to your state? Are there educational resources Massachusetts has developed that you can adapt and use?
Jayne Lino is a Program Coordinator at the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center working on building decarbonization programs. She has a Master’s in Environmental Science and Urban Development from the University of Geneva. Beverly Craig is a Program Director at the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center working on the Passive House Design Challenge and an effort to reduce upfront carbon from building materials.
Bev comes from a background of energy efficiency retrofits in affordable housing. She has a BA from the University of Southern California and an MPP from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
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