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Early Bird Pricing for the International Passive House Conference Available Through February 4th

The 27th IPHC will take place April 5-6 in Innsbruck, Austria.

The Passive House Institute has announced its pre­lim­in­ary sched­ule for the 27th International Passive House Conference taking place from April 5-6 in Innsbruck, Austria. As usual, there will be a stellar pro­gram packed with 90 in­form­at­ive lec­tures.  Take advantage of the ample op­por­tun­it­ies to catch up on all the latest de­vel­op­ments in the Passive House com­mu­nity, net­work with peers, and learn about the in­nov­at­ive products of Passive House man­u­fac­tur­ers first-hand at the ac­com­pa­ny­ing ex­hib­i­tion. 

The theme for this year’s seminal conference is retrofits, with a particular focus on outPHit, the European initiative designed to make deep retrofits faster, less expensive, and more reliable. The initiative is supporting the implementation of deep retrofits through pilot projects in Greece, France, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands. Many of the lessons learned from outPHit will be presented at the conference’s sessions, along with coverage of such topics as new developments in delivering outstanding indoor air quality, non-residential buildings, and designing Passive House buildings in challenging climates. 

Register today to save with an early bird ticket, which will be available only until February 4th.

Published: January 31, 2024
Categories: Article, Event