Passive House Weekly: July 11, 2022

July 11th, 2022

Please read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, articles, interviews, and developments. The featured project above is the Phius Certified Red Clay Passive House.

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. Passive House Week in Preview

WED: Breaking the Norm: Influencing the Design Process and Emerging Markets for Passive House

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Austin, Texas based Positive Energy is a unique firm that has built its reputation and business on offering high performance MEP engineering services to the residential architecture market with a focus on health, comfort, and decarbonizing. The firm has tackled Passive House projects spanning many different different scales and budgets. Kate Bren, and M Walker will join this Construction Tech session with an in depth look at three case studies highlighting Positive Energy projects that shifted conventional consultant choreography and leveraged deep performance analyses during the conceptual design phase. Get the Zoom link

NOW LIVE: Episode 95 of the Passive House Podcast

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As part of his recent visit to Massachusetts, Zack visits the Salem Heights Passive House retrofit project to interview Julie Klump, Vice President for Design and Building Performance at POAH (Preservation of Affordable Housing). The two discuss the details of the Salem Heights project, as well as Julie's extensive portfolio of Passive House work. Listen here

THIS WEEK: Events In the Passive House Community

Phius CPHC Phase II Training, Online (July 11)

Offsite Dirt
The Dirt, Smart Inventions: T-STUD, it's all about the Thermal Break (July 12)

Passive House Accelerator Live!
Breaking the Norm: Influencing the Design Process and Emerging Markets for Passive House (July 13)

#BS Friday LIVE
Pretty Good House (July 15)

THANK YOU To This Week's Featured Sponsor:

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Visit Ikon.

2. Featured Article of the Week

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Though Mattapan Station is located in one of the southernmost communities in Boston, it serves as the most vital transportation hub for Mattapan and several south Boston neighborhoods. It’s the terminus of the Mattapan-Ashmont trolley line, which is an extension of the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority’s (MBTA’s) red line, and is a major node within the MBTA’s bus system. In addition to its transit connections, the hub services multiple transportation modes, allowing easy access to the Neponset Trail, a multiuse path that follows the Neponset River as it snakes through the city’s southernmost neighborhoods. Continue reading

3. New Video

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First & Templeton is a sixty unit residential Passive House development in East Vancouver BC. The project features four buildings orientated around a central courtyard in a hybrid typology of four story stacked apartments and three story townhouses. Gwill Symons and Scott Kennedy of Cornerstone Architecture join the Accelerator with an in depth overview of the project site, design, opportunities and challenges, and lessons learned. Their presentation will cover Passive House Strategies relating to Ventilation & Heating / Cooling, Domestic Hot Water, and Envelope, and Air Tightness.

4. Upcoming Conferences

BE+ Building Tech Forum 2022 (July 7)
Built Environment Plus envisions a thriving and diverse community, creating a built environment of net positive systems of water and energy, of financial and social equity, and of ecological and human health. Which innovations in building technology are advancing us towards this vision?

Passive House Canada Prefab Symposium 2022 (Sep 21-23)
Whether you are a design professional, building scientist, contractor, developer, government official, or financial decision-maker, Passive House Canada’s Prefab Symposium will provide case studies and best practices across Canada, and share how you can integrate an innovative prefab strategy into your core business practices. (Virtual)

PhiusCon 2022: Emissions Down, Power Up! (Oct 25-28)
PhiusCon is coming home to Chicago Oct. 25-28 at the historic Palmer House. Last year, Phius set its sights on expansion with its motto “Emissions Down, Scale Up!” and despite the obstacles presented by COVID, shared that vision with a sold-out crowd in Tarrytown, New York. PhiusCon 2021 created a wave of momentum, and Phius is looking to carry that into PhiusCon 2022 as it builds for the future. And you can’t talk about building for the future without mentioning electrification, so Phius decided to put a charge into this year’s motto: “Emissions Down, Power Up!”

5. Upcoming Passive House Happenings

Passive House Accelerator
Breaking the Norm: Influencing the Design Process and Emerging Markets for Passive House (July 13)
Puerto Madero, Urban Development on the Outskirts of Cartagena, Colombia (July 20)

#BS Friday LIVE
Pretty Good House (July 15)
BOSS Building Offsite Sustainable Systems with BCollective (Aug 19)
Belinda Carr (Aug 26)

Passive House Canada
Pathway to Passive House Designer/ Certification (July 5-28)
Introduction to Passive House High Performance Buildings (July 6)
Prefab Symposium 2022 (Sep 21-23)

Phius CPHC Phase II Training, Online (July 11)
PhiusCon (Oct 25-28)

Offsite Dirt
The Dirt, Smart Inventions: T-STUD, it's all about the Thermal Break (Jul 12)

Emu Passive
Online CPHT On-Demand Course & Live Q&A (Autumn Crew open now, Q&A start Sept 22nd)
Passive Pod Workshop & Builder Boot Camp in Ft. Collins, Colorado Aug 1-5 (deadline Jul 18)
Remote Exam to become PHI Cert. PH Tradesperson CPHT Aug 11 (deadline Jul 28)

Passive House School
Certified Passive House Designer / Consultant online course (Sept 7)

Passive House Network
CPHD On-Demand Trainings
CPHT On-Demand Trainings

6. What We're Reading

Increasing Number of Builders Sweetening the Deal for Home Buyers (Builder Online)

Passive-House Builder Strives to Set Precedents in South Glengarry (Cornwall Standard-Freeholder)

One of Europe’s Smallest Nations Tries a Big Idea: Free Public Transit (City Lab)

Companies to Test inductive Roadway EV Charging in Detroit (FutureStructure)

The Unique Ways Filipinos Are Protecting Their Homes Against Floods (Washington Post)

The Best Energy Efficient Office Building Ventilation Systems to Stop the Spread of Viruses (The Fifth Estate)

Heat Is Killing US Workers as OSHA Takes Its Sweet Time (Mother Jones)

Middletown, Connecticut’s Riverbend Master Plan Will Reconnect the City to Its Forgotten Waterway (The Architect’s Newspaper)

Wild Species Support Half of the World’s Population, Report Finds (The Guardian)

‘Sand Battery’ May Solve Clean Energy’s Big Problem (BBC News)

Published: July 11, 2022
Categories: News