Passive House Weekly May 29, 2023

May 29th, 2023

Please read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, articles, interviews, and developments.

The featured project above is a active deep energy retrofit of an historic carriage house in Brooklyn Heights, NYC. View our recent Reimagine Buildings Video for a site tour.

Do you have a recent Passive House and/or high performance project that demonstrates PH principles, electrification, low embodied carbon and high performance construction? Submit here to be featured in a future edition of Passive House Weekly, Podcast or LIVE! program.

1. PHA Week in Preview

WED: Massachusetts Took Passive House to Scale – You Can Too!

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In 2017, there was only one multifamily Passive House building certified in Massachusetts. Today, there are over 120 Passive House multifamily buildings with more than 10,000 rental units that are certified, design certified, or in design. And Passive House adoption will accelerate even more in Massachusetts now that energy code requires Passive House in many communities. What are the pilot programs, efficiency program incentives, and code changes that have led to this momentum? What lessons can you adapt to your state?Are there educational resources Massachusetts has developed that you can adapt and use? Jayne Lino and Beverly Craig of Massachusetts Clean Energy Center join the Accelerator to share strategies and lessons that could build momentum in your state for Passive House multifamily and low embodied carbon buildings. Get the Zoom link

THUR: Comparing Different Window and Door Material Options with IKON Windows


Adrian Dymarczyk, president of IKON Windows will join us for a Passive House Component Spotlight event comparing different window and door material options we have to choose from in the High Performance building industry. Adrian will compare and contrast various material options available, including uPVC, wood, wood clad, aluminum, and steel. He will provide an in-depth analysis of each system, shedding light on their respective advantages and disadvantages, going beyond the surface-level features to explore crucial factors such as cost comparisons and performance evaluations. By delving into these important considerations, he will equip attendees with the necessary information to make informed decisions when selecting window and door materials for their next Passive House project. Register here

NOW LIVE: New Passive House Podcast Episode

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NOW LIVE: New Bonus Passive House Podcast Episodes

Enjoy the first episodes in our series of interviews recorded at the 2023 Passive House Canada Conference.

Thank you to our sponsor, EuroLine Windows for making these conversations possible!

THIS WEEK: Events In the Passive House Community

Passive House Accelerator
Massachusetts Took Passive House to Scale – You Can Too! (May 31)
Comparing Different Window and Door Material Options with IKON Windows (June 1)

Urban Green Council
What’s New in the 2020 NYC Energy Code (May 31)

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected]

THANK YOU to Our Featured Sponsor

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2. Featured Article of the Week

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Building Performance Assurance Council Launched

An exciting new initiative to scale up the adoption of Passive House was announced at the Passive House Canada conference in Hamilton, Ontario earlier this month. The Building Performance Assurance Council (BPAC), jointly supported by Passive House Canada and Passive House Network, was founded to streamline the construction and verification of buildings that meet the performance targets identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Nations (UN) as needed to get countries, including Canada and the U.S., to meet the Paris Agreement targets. Continue reading

3. Upcoming Conferences

NYC Next: Trends for a Changing City (June 8)
In our 2023 conference, NYC Next: Trends for a Changing City, we’re bringing together experts to explain three key trends that will shape the city: getting to net zero, converting offices to apartments, and centering resiliency in NYC’s buildings of the future. We’ll talk to the individuals who have an inside look at these trends and are doing the work to make NYC’s climate targets a reality.

Facades+ (June 16)
In its 11th year, Facades+ continues to bring together the world’s most talented building professionals. We return to Toronto to discuss the latest advances, issues, and technologies driving the AEC community.

ASES Solar 2023 (Aug 8-11)
ASES supports the global initiative that a world equitably transformed to 100% renewable energy is an urgent necessity. Through the ASES National Solar Conference, SOLAR 2023 will elevate public, institutional, and governmental awareness of the critical role solar energy is playing in the global energy landscape. We must ensure that access to and the benefits from clean energy will be enjoyed by all communities, especially those that have been denied those benefits in the past.

2023 Passive House Network Conference (Sep 28-Oct 6)
At the 2023 Passive House Network Conference, we will share our ambitions for a better world. Today, we have huge opportunities to change course. As communities are being stressed and assaulted by the escalating effects of the climate crisis: wild fires, droughts, floods, conflicts, energy insecurity, poverty, sickness and inequality – let’s explore how we can build better buildings, better communities and a better world. Passive House is the platform. Passive House education and peer-to-peer knowledge sharing has the power to change our vocabulary, our conversations, and our culture. Let’s expand the conversation. The conference program will include industry leading designers, builders, developers, manufacturers, and owners, from across the country and around the world.

BuildingEnergy NYC (Oct 12)
NESEA's BuildingEnergy NYC conference and trade show is a chance to immerse yourself in a full day of networking and intensive learning with your peers from the fields of design, construction, engineering, policy, finance, and beyond. This unique event is designed by and for our community of practitioners, ensuring that the content is useful, relevant, and on the leading edge. Conference sessions present best practices and lessons learned based on real case studies and proven data, as well as showcasing innovative technologies and programs. If you are a building sustainability professional in any stage of your career, mark your calendar now, and plan to join us on Thursday, October 12, 2023 in New York City!

PhiusCon (November 7-10)
PhiusCon 2023 is headed to the Lone Star State! By hosting this year’s conference in Houston, we have our eyes set on the next frontier of passive building: hot and humid climates. The need for reliable, efficient buildings has never been greater in Texas and beyond, which is why now is the perfect time to expand Phius’ footprint in the south. Phius buildings are designed with the grid in mind – providing energy independence and hardening the larger grid system. Despite the challenges posed, the Phius methodology has proven to be effective in hot and humid climates. PhiusCon 2023 will provide an entryway into the Phius community for local practitioners, developers and policymakers, equipping them with a blueprint to create more resilient, grid-friendly, healthy communities.

4. New Videos

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5. Upcoming Passive House Happenings

Passive House Accelerator
10 Steps to Designing A Multifamily Passive House: Tips and Tricks from an Architect (June 7)

Building Energy Exchange
Grid Response to Electrification (June 6)
PH Airtightness and Ventilation (June 7)

Passive House Canada
Master Class Series: A Pattern Language from Passive House (June 14)

Emu Passive
Passive Design Build Boot Camp, Colorado (June 26)
Passive Design Build Boot Camp, Vermont (July 31)

Passive House Network
FREE PHPP10 Update Webinar (June 27 & 29)
New Regional Hybrid CPHD Courses (June-Sept)
Specialized Windows Course (June 13)
CPHD On-Demand Trainings

Urban Green Council
Crushing the Code NYS: Commercial (June 13)
Crushing the Code NYS: Residential (June 15)
Crushing the Code NYC: Commercial (June 20)
Crushing the Code NYC: Residential (June 27)
What’s New in the 2020 NYC Energy Code (June 28)

Phius Alliance New York
Passive House Tour: Olive House (June 2)

Edmund Hillary Fellowship
Exploring the Regenerative in the Built Environment and Applying the Lessons in Housing (June 19)

Passive House Institute
International Passive House Open Days (June 23-25)
PHPP Expert Course (Sep-Jan)
Online PH Designer/Consultant Course in English (Oct-Dec)

Certified Verifier Training (July 10)

Energize Delaware, New Ecology + Green Building United
Phius Certified Builder (CPHB) Training (July 19-21)

Does your organization have an upcoming event? Submit it here to be included in our next newsletter.

6. What We're Reading

Innovative construction is getting codes to match (Builder Online)
Colorado law will require homes to be more wildfire resistant (PBS Rocky Mountain)
NYC chief housing officer set to resign amid dual crises of homelessness, migrant arrivals (Gothamist)
Americans have become less willing to explore their own cities (City Lab)
Low-cost, high-quality public transportation will serve the public better than free rides (Next City)
‘Culture wars’ have not overlooked public transit, urbanist ideas (Gov Tech)
Supreme Court limits E.P.A.’s power to address water pollution (New York Times)
Long-term thinking from design’s next generation (Metropolis)
Foreign aid to fight climate change is falling short. Do we need to change the model? (WBUR)
The 2023 AIA Small Projects Awards announce winners (The Architect’s Newspaper)

Published: May 29, 2023
Categories: News