Passive House Weekly: September 19, 2022

September 19th, 2022

Please read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, articles, interviews, and developments. The featured project above is the Phius certified Madison Passive House.

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. Passive House Week in Preview

WED: Beyond Passive House, Where To Go Next with Bryn Davidson

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Bryn Davidson is co-founder of Lanefab, an integrated design/build team crafts custom high performance homes in the Vancouver BC region and beyond.

Over the last decade, Lanefab's designers have also worked on a range of high performance builds and Passive House projects, both successes and failures. Bryn’s presentation will explore where we all might be going in the next decade in regards to: zoning / density and embodied carbon, PH vs Net Zero vs Step 5 vs NetPositive, overheating and climate change.

Get the Zoom link

NOW LIVE: Episode 105 of the Passive House Podcast

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Zack interviews Scott Kennedy, Partner at Cornerstone Architecture in Vancouver, British Columbia. Scott is a leading exponent of multifamily Passive House design, trailblazing the approach in Vancouver and championing the adoption of Passive House across Canada. In the interview, Scott speaks about his discovery of Passive House, the parallel evolution of his practice and building energy policy in Vancouver, the projects and the design puzzles that excite him the most these days, and what is on the horizon. Listen here

THIS WEEK: Events In the Passive House Community

Passive House Accelerator
Beyond Passive House, Where To Go Next (Sept 21)

Passive House Accelerator + New York Passive House
Urban Passive House: Episode 1: Infill, Winthrop Center (Sept 22)

Passive House Canada
Prefab Symposium 2022 (Sep 21-23)

Emu Passive
Online CPHT On-Demand Course & Live Q&A (Autumn Crew open now, Q&A start Sept 22nd)

THANK YOU To This Week's Featured Sponsor:

BIA PHA homepage
rsz millhaus by greg d fisher architect   jonathan knight photographer

Farmhouse Forms Yield Passive House Comforts

On the outskirts of Fort Collins, Colorado stands Millhaus. Designed and built by Greg Fisher, who has run a one-man architectural office since 1993, it was erected between 2019 and 2020, and then certified by the Passive House Institute in 2021. Continue reading

3. New Video

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We went back to school with Shaun St. Amour, PHA Live! co-host and VP of Operations for Clay Construction Inc. Shaun shared insights on how to share Passive House with the next generation, covering topics such as the history of shelter, passive house principles, the first passive house, as well as hands on educational experiments.

4. Upcoming Conferences

Passive House Canada Prefab Symposium 2022 (Sep 21-23)
Whether you are a design professional, building scientist, contractor, developer, government official, or financial decision-maker, Passive House Canada’s Prefab Symposium will provide case studies and best practices across Canada, and share how you can integrate an innovative prefab strategy into your core business practices. The first day of the Symposium will close with a virtual networking event co-presented with Passive House Accelerator and featuring Shaun St-Amour. (Virtual)

PhiusCon 2022: Emissions Down, Power Up! (Oct 25-28)
PhiusCon is coming home to Chicago Oct. 25-28 at the historic Palmer House. Last year, Phius set its sights on expansion with its motto “Emissions Down, Scale Up!” and despite the obstacles presented by COVID, shared that vision with a sold-out crowd in Tarrytown, New York. PhiusCon 2021 created a wave of momentum, and Phius is looking to carry that into PhiusCon 2022 as it builds for the future. And you can’t talk about building for the future without mentioning electrification, so Phius decided to put a charge into this year’s motto: “Emissions Down, Power Up!”

UKPassivhaus Conference 2022 (October 25-26)
The 2022 UK Passivhaus Conference will be a hybrid event (in-person in Exeter and online) on 25 & 26 October at the Exeter Corn Exchange. On both days, the Conference will include site visits to St Sidwells' Point, the UK's first leisure centre & public pool aiming for Passivhaus certification.

International Passive House Association Conference 2023 (March 10-11)
The 26th International Passive House Conference will be held in the state capital of Hesse in 2023. #EfficiencyNOW will be the focal theme of the event. The Conference will demonstrate how buildings that use very little energy for heating and cooling can be supplied with renewable energy reliably and at scale, a timely topic. The Conference will take place in person in Wiesbaden from March 10-11, 2023. Simultaneously, online events will be available. The Call for Papers is open until 2 September 2022. The event will be held under the auspice of the Minister of Economic Affairs of the German state of Hesse.

5. Upcoming Passive House Happenings

Passive House Accelerator
Beyond Passive House, Where to Go Next (Sept 21)
Electrification & Energy Recovery in the Student Residence with Commercial Kitchen Typology (Sept 28)
Kentucky Phius Project: Highlighting Design Strategies and Offsite Fabrication Methods (Oct 5th)

RDH Building Science
Three Things Every Architect Needs to Know About Climate Change (Sept 21)

Passive House Accelerator + New York Passive House
Urban Passive House: Episode 1: Infill, Winthrop Center (Sept 22)

#BS Friday LIVE
"The Building Consultant" - Mark Parlee (Sept 30)
Mark LaLiberte of Construction Instruction (Oct 7)
Building Science Institute (Oct 14)

Passive House Canada
AB Hybrid: Pathway to Passive House Trades Certification (Sept 22)
Prefab Symposium 2022 (Sep 21-23)

Emu Passive
Online CPHT On-Demand Course & Live Q&A (Autumn Crew open now, Q&A start Sept 22nd)
Passive Pod Workshop & Builder Boot Camp in Santa Barbara, CA (Oct 10 - 14, waitlist registration)
Passive Pod Workshop & Builder Boot Camp in Ft. Collins, CO (Oct 31 - Nov 4, deadline Oct 17)
Remote Exam to become PHI Cert. PH Tradesperson CPHT (Nov 10, deadline Oct 27)

PEEL Passive House
Certified Passive House Designer Course (Oct 4th-Oct 27th)

Passive House Virtual Open Day (Oct 7th)

Brick & Wonder
High Performance Building: Cocktails & Case Study (Oct 13th)

PhiusCon (Oct 25-28)

Passive House Network
CPHD On-Demand Trainings
CPHT On-Demand Trainings

Passivehaus Trust
Large & Complex Passivhaus Masterclass Lecture Series: Agar Grove (Sept 7)
Large & Complex Passivhaus Masterclass Lecture Series: Leisure Centres (October 25)
Large & Complex Passivhaus Masterclass Lecture Series: Passivhaus & RIBA Plan of Work (November 2)
Large & Complex Passivhaus Masterclass Lecture Series: Steel Frame Passivhaus (December 7)

6. What We're Reading

Despite Pledges, Private Equity Giants Sink Billions into Dirty Fuels (Mother Jones)

Can New York City Protect Basement Unit Residents from the Next Ida? (Next City)

Are Drying Rivers a Warning of Europe’s Tomorrow (BBC)

As Energy Costs Rise, ‘Passive Homes’ Offer Green Alternative (News Center Maine)

Renovation with a Purpose: A D.C. Home Gets a Big Eco-Friendly Overhaul (Washington Post)

New Green Star Performance Is Coming Soon and It’s Ambitious (The Fifth Estate)

Printing Begins on Two-Story, 3-D Printed House in Houston (Builder Online)

A Deal to Avert a Rail Strike Is on Track, But It Won’t Fix U.S. Supply Chain Issues (NPR)

Taking Charge: California City Invests in Battery, Storage Production (FutureStructure)

When the Office Becomes a Teachable Moment (Metropolis)

Published: September 19, 2022
Categories: News