Top Passive House Tweets of the Last Week - December 13
Here are the top tweets from last week!
Thanks to community vision plus City/State partnership, we’re celebrating plans for new, net-zero, passive house affordable home ownership units & the permanent conservation of a major piece of the Roslindale Wetlands—on the 2nd anniversary of the Boston Wetlands Ordinance!
Just your regular reminder that most cities in North America have so much surface parking and underdeveloped land that they could double their available housing without demolishing a single building — and could potentially do it in years, not decades.
Vancouver has received #PassiveHouse certification for a new 7 storey project (tallest in BC), at 825 Pacific Street, this City-owned facility is an all-electric, near zero-emissions building, operated by a not-for-profit arts and culture organization.
There is now more man-made stuff on the planet by weight than all living organisms, from plankton to whales, estimated to be 1.1tn tonnes. The weight of things as infrastructure phones & plastics will be 3x the biomass on earth by 2040.
It's difficult to articulate all the advantages of Phius Project Certification in a single blog, but we did our best with our "Why Certify?" Guide: