Passive House Podcast Ep. 115: Lauren Thomsen, Lauren Thomsen Design

Passive House Podcast co-host Zack Semke interviews Lauren Thomsen, architect and principal at Lauren Thomsen Design.

Passive House Podcast co-host Zack Semke interviews Lauren Thomsen, architect and principal at Lauren Thomsen Design. The two discuss Lauren's attraction to architecture at a young age, her fine arts training in Paris, and her journey to Passive House as an architect, including the Northern Liberties Passive House in Philadelphia.

Link to the Grand Designs New Zealand episode that co-host Matthew Cutler-Welsh shares in the intro:

Link to video of the Northern Liberties Passive House presentation at the Passive House Accelerator LIVE! Project Showcase:

Link to the Phius Certification Guidebook, which includes detail about the airtightness targets that Zack and Matthew discuss in the episode's outro:

Links to upcoming Passive House and Passive House-adjacent events:

Published: November 28, 2022