Passive House Weekly July 31st, 2023

July 31st, 2023

Please read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, articles, interviews, and developments.

The featured project above is Highland Passive House. Learn more

Do you have a recent Passive House and/or high performance project that demonstrates PH principles, electrification, low embodied carbon and high performance construction? Submit here to be featured in a future edition of Passive House Weekly, Podcast or LIVE! program.

1. PHA Week in Preview

See you in September!

Sep 2023 PHA Live No Events

Hello, Passive House Accelerator community! In case you missed our most recent Project Showcase or Construction Tech events, we announced that our Passive House Accelerator LIVE! programs will be taking the month of August off again this year. Don't worry! We'll still be publishing new articles to the website, new episodes to the Passive House Podcast, and new videos to our Reimagine Buildings Youtube channel. And you can always check out any previous PHA LIVE! episodes that you may have missed by going to the Passive House Accelerator YouTube channel.

We hope to take this time not only to enjoy some much-needed R&R, but to improve our platform and finalize an exciting lineup of presenters for Fall. We'll be posting updates about the upcoming programming schedule for the fall throughout the month of August, so stay tuned!

See you live in September!

Watch Our Latest Reimagine Buildings Videos

Our Reimagine Buildings chanel covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of Passive House design to case studies of completed projects. We also offer interviews with leading experts in the field, who share their insights and expertise on topics such as energy modeling, building envelope design, and mechanical systems.

Check out a few of our most recent videos below, and visit the Reimagine Buildings YouTube page to see them all!

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NOW LIVE: New Passive House Podcast Episode

ME PHA homepage
1818 NE Perspective View

A Long-Term Investment in the Community

Performance, place, and practice. These three principles have been guiding The Rosenblum Companies since Seth Rosenblum and Jeff Mirel, co-principals, initially teamed up. But, for this duo, performance is defined a little out of the box; for them, it means a steady decarbonization of the firm’s portfolio, so it’s not surprising that Rosenblum’s newest development at 1818 5th Avenue in Troy, New York, will be its first Phius CORE certified building. Continue reading

3. Upcoming Conferences

ASES Solar 2023 (Aug 8-11)
ASES supports the global initiative that a world equitably transformed to 100% renewable energy is an urgent necessity. Through the ASES National Solar Conference, SOLAR 2023 will elevate public, institutional, and governmental awareness of the critical role solar energy is playing in the global energy landscape. We must ensure that access to and the benefits from clean energy will be enjoyed by all communities, especially those that have been denied those benefits in the past.

2023 Passive House Network Conference (Sep 28-Oct 6)
At the 2023 Passive House Network Conference, we will share our ambitions for a better world. Today, we have huge opportunities to change course. As communities are being stressed and assaulted by the escalating effects of the climate crisis: wild fires, droughts, floods, conflicts, energy insecurity, poverty, sickness and inequality – let’s explore how we can build better buildings, better communities and a better world. Passive House is the platform. Passive House education and peer-to-peer knowledge sharing has the power to change our vocabulary, our conversations, and our culture. Let’s expand the conversation. The conference program will include industry leading designers, builders, developers, manufacturers, and owners, from across the country and around the world.

Energy and Environmental Building Alliance  High Performance Home Builder Summit (Oct 10-12)
Bringing Sustainability Home, Where Every Home is High Performing, Healthy & Resilient Join EEBA on October 10-12, 2023 in Salt Lake City, UT for a High Performance Home Builder Summit focused on providing the tools and networking that builders, raters, analysts, and architects need to take high performance, healthy, resilient homes to new heights.

BuildingEnergy NYC (Oct 12)
NESEA's BuildingEnergy NYC conference and trade show is a chance to immerse yourself in a full day of networking and intensive learning with your peers from the fields of design, construction, engineering, policy, finance, and beyond. This unique event is designed by and for our community of practitioners, ensuring that the content is useful, relevant, and on the leading edge. Conference sessions present best practices and lessons learned based on real case studies and proven data, as well as showcasing innovative technologies and programs. If you are a building sustainability professional in any stage of your career, mark your calendar now, and plan to join us on Thursday, October 12, 2023 in New York City!

PhiusCon (November 7-10)
PhiusCon 2023 is headed to the Lone Star State! By hosting this year’s conference in Houston, we have our eyes set on the next frontier of passive building: hot and humid climates. The need for reliable, efficient buildings has never been greater in Texas and beyond, which is why now is the perfect time to expand Phius’ footprint in the south. Phius buildings are designed with the grid in mind – providing energy independence and hardening the larger grid system. Despite the challenges posed, the Phius methodology has proven to be effective in hot and humid climates. PhiusCon 2023 will provide an entryway into the Phius community for local practitioners, developers and policymakers, equipping them with a blueprint to create more resilient, grid-friendly, healthy communities.

27th International Passive House Conference (April 5-6)
Look for­ward to the 27th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce which will take place on 5th and 6th April 2024 on the cam­pus "Tech­nik" of the Leo­pold Fran­zens Uni­versity in the beau­ti­ful city of Inns­bruck, Aus­tria!
The theme of the con­fer­en­ce is: "Ret­ro­fit. Have an im­pact."
The call for papers is now open. Sub­mit your ab­stracts and be part of the con­fer­en­ce pro­gram for 2024!

4. New Videos

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5. Upcoming Passive House Happenings

Passive House Accelerator
Passive House Network
New Regional Hybrid CPHD Courses (June-Sept)
PHN Conference Early Bird Pricing Deadline (July 31)
Passive House Network Design Award Submissions (Due Sept 4)
CPHD On-Demand Trainings

Certified Verifier Training (July 10)
A Case for Phius Certified Warehouses with Jesse Hunt and Al Mitchell (July 25)

Emu Passive
Passive Design Build Boot Camp, Vermont (July 31)

Passive House Institute
PHPP Expert Course (Sep-Jan)
Online PH Designer/Consultant Course in English (Oct-Dec)

Peel Passive House
Passive House Design & Construction Course (Sep 12)

Does your organization have an upcoming event? Submit it here to be included in our next newsletter.

6. What We're Reading

‘Vicious cycle’: heat waves ramp up U.S. burning of fossil fuels (Washington Post)
Why it’s so important to figure out when a vital Atlantic Ocean current might collapse (NPR)
The war on carbon (Moma)
Credit unions are taking the lead to un-redline the Green New Deal (Next City)
Passive House designs could cut your energy bill in half (Business Insider)
New York State high-rise largest to land Passive House certification (Multi-Housing News)
PEI home to be first Passive House industrial project in Atlantic Canada (Daily Commercial News)
Ukraine’s rebuilding plans include 3D-printed schools (Metropolois)
Singaporeans turn empty spaces in public housing into libraries, gardens (City Lab)
Does this Brooklyn housing development know the secret to long life? (New York Times)

Published: July 31, 2023
Categories: News