Passive House Weekly September 25th, 2023

September 25th, 2023

Please read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, articles, interviews, and developments.

The featured project above is Phius Certified Oceana Vido Passive House in Bandon, Oregon. Learn more

Do you have a recent Passive House and/or high performance project that demonstrates PH principles, electrification, low embodied carbon and high performance construction? Submit here to be featured in a future edition of Passive House Weekly, Podcast or LIVE! program.

1. PHA Week in Preview

Student Residences in Passive House: Scaling Challenges & Insights 

PHA Live CT rectangle   Marine Sanchez

Marine Sanchez joins our September Construction Tech edition to present the challenges and successes of the construction of the first generation of PH student residences in North-America (including the University of Victoria's and Toronto's projects). The focus will be on the construction phase of these projects, to highlight the changes in construction processes and challenges encountered when scaling up Passive House to large complex buildings. Topics will include discussions on air leakage tests, thermal bridging tracking, submittal processes, ventilation commissioning, alongside general construction challenges that have surfaced and approaches used to mitigate them. These topics will also be reviewed from an energy modelling standpoint, understanding their interdependency through the rigorous energy budget management required to deliver Passive House buildings.

As part of North America’s highly experienced PH professionals, Marine leads RDH’s Passive House services. She focuses on the design of large-scale institutional and mixed-use projects, channeling her passion and expertise to drive climate action within our industry. Her role includes developing PH designs on leading-edge typologies (such as commercial kitchens), guiding site teams new to PH towards successful delivery. She also supports government in implementing carbon reduction policies, while serving on the Passive House Canada board and the City of Toronto Climate Advisory Group.

Get the Zoom link!

NOW LIVE: New Passive House Podcast Episode

THIS WEEK: Events In the Passive House Community

Passive House Accelerator
Student Residences in Passive House: Scaling Challenges & Insights  (Sep 20)

Source 2050
Source 2050 for Builders Workshop (Sep 26)

Phius Certified Passive House Builder Training (Sep 27)

Urban Green Council
What's New in the 2020 NYC Energy Code/ Urban Green Council (Sep 27)
Crushing the Code NYC: Commercial/ Urban Green Council (Sep 28)

Passive House Network
2023 PHN Conference (Sep 28-Oct 6)

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected]

THANK YOU to Our Manufacturer Sponsor of the Week

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Passive House Helping Shape State Energy Codes

If recent updates to codes in Massachusetts and Washington are any indication, states across the U.S. may begin implementing stretch codes with performance levels that approach or even meet Passive House targets. Continue reading

3. Upcoming Conferences

2023 Passive House Network Conference (Sep 28-Oct 6)

Energy and Environmental Building Alliance  High Performance Home Builder Summit (Oct 10-12)

BuildingEnergy NYC (Oct 12)

Building Performance Association 2023 New England Conference & Trade Show (Nov 7-8)

PhiusCon (Nov 7-10)

27th International Passive House Conference (April 5-6)

Living Future 2024 (May 7-9)

4. New Videos

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5. Upcoming Passive House Happenings

Passive House Accelerator
Student Residences in Passive House: Scaling Challenges & Insights  (Sep 20)
101 Series: Continuous Insulation (Oct 4)
Life Cycle Analysis: How, What, and What's Next? (Oct 11)

Emu Passive
2023 Passive House Builder Training Conference Bundle (Oct 2-3)

The A’24 Call for Proposals (Oct 5)
AIA Philadelphia Home Tours (Oct 14 - 15)

Emu Passive
Online Passive Design/Build CPHT Autumn Crew (Oct 12, 19, 26)
California Passive Design/Build Bootcamp + CPHT Exam (Oct 30)
Online Passive Design/Build CPHT Autumn Crew (Nov 2,9,16)
Colorado Passive Design/Build Bootcamp + CPHT Exam (Dec 11)

Peel Passive House
Certified Passive House Designer Course with Peel Passive House Consulting (Nov 21)

Passive House Institute
PHPP Expert Course (Sep-Jan)
Online PH Designer/Consultant Course in English (Oct-Dec)

Passive House Network
CPHD On-Demand Trainings

Does your organization have an upcoming event? Submit it here to be included in our next newsletter.

6. What We're Reading

The world has a concrete problem. It just doesn’t seem to care (City Lab)
Refrigerant—the quiet GHG contributor (The Fifth Estate)
Opinion: To keep schools open, NYC needs climate-resilient buildings (City Limits)
Central Mass. architects adapt to address the causes of and results of climate change (Worcester Business Journal)
As the climate changes, pressure is growing to make buildings more efficient (New York Times)
Comfortable, sustainable and energy efficient: This is what the house of the future will look like (Big Issue)
Why builders and developers should be constructing more aging-ready homes (Builder Online)
Government Experience Awards 2023: Enhancing access and efficiency (Government Technology)
Copenhagen’s far-reaching transformation into a “sponge city” (Der Spiegel)
Biden is unveiling the American Climate Corps, a program with echoes of the New Deal (NPR)

Published: September 25, 2023
Categories: News