RFQ: Sustainability Workforce Training Center for Push Buffalo

People United for Sustainable Housing in Buffalo, NY, is planning a Sustainability Workforce Training Center (SWTC) on two parcels on Buffalo’s West Side. The organization is currently seeking proposals from design and construction firms through January 31.

The project has three components that will include a training center measuring 3,000 ft2, a greenhouse (area to be determined), and a work yard for property maintenance and training.

According to the Request for Qualifications:

The SWTC is intended to receive people who are enrolled or are interested in enrolling in PUSH workforce services (i.e., “the hiring hall”). The SWTC building should be designed to be flexible, open, welcoming, and as comfortable as possible….

The building itself should serve as an example of a sustainable building with Passive House construction, zero net energy with on-site photovoltaics, and smart energy monitoring systems. The mechanical room should also be used as an observable training space (i.e., green technologies, all systems labeled, etc.).

The full Request for Qualifications can be accessed here.

If interested in submitting, please forward proposals to the attention of Bryana DiFonzo at [email protected]. Proposals can also be mailed to her attention at 429 Plymouth Avenue, Suite 1, Buffalo, NY, 14213.

Buffalo Rising has the full story here.