Affordable Housing Entries Articles Collection Ken Soble Tower Passive House Retrofit Little Mountain Cohousing Connecticut Reaffirms Passive Affordable Housing Expanding a Mission Interview with Tomas O'Leary, Ireland: Enough Talk, Time for Action Passivhaus First in 2020 RFQ: Sustainability Workforce Training Center for Push Buffalo The Effort Is Definitely Worth It! How Social Housing Can Be Realized in an Energy Efficient and Cost-Effective Way Vancouver's Zero Emissions Buildings: Accelerating Passive House Uptake Eight Passive House Myths BUSTED Generate and Placetailor to Build First Passive House Apartment Block in Boston Passive House Certification Anticipated For 8-Story Affordable Housing Development in Queens Low Income Housing Credit: A Sleeper PH Catalyst Can Building a Passive House Cost the Same as a Code Built Home? NESEA Interview: Finch Cambridge Passive House Affordable Housing Park Avenue Green in The Bronx Becomes Largest PHIUS+ Certified Passive House in United States PHASED Twin Towers EnerPHit Proposed Social Housing project for First Nation Peoples to be Passive House Toronto Design Review panel Seeks to Refine Facade of Passive House Pilot Program Massive Irish Passive House Development What's Green, Affordable, and Buildable? Interview with Bryn Davidson of Lanefab Design/Build Housing Retrofits in the Wake of the Pandemic Farr Associates to break Ground on Affordable and Passive House Development Next Month in Gary, Indiana Housing Improvement for Whistler Resort Hamilton To Build New Affordable 10-Story Passive House as a Part of New Community Multifamily Passive House in Vancouver Dedicated to Indigenous Residence Passive House Pilots Completed in Mexico A Resilient Senior Community Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre Passive Housing Passive House Under the Radar Sendero Verde: New York, New York Catalyzing Zero-Carbon Retrofits Carbon-neutral Architecture—A Progress Report Ken Soble Tower Evolving Practices of Onion Flats Wall Street Journal Talks Passive House with Tim McDonald of Onion Flats Parkdale Landing EnerPHit Integrating Mitigation and Adaptation A Tale of Two Alabama Homes Harvey West Studios Hobson Place—A Vital Housing Resource Putting Passive House in The Loop Tomo House Offers Missing Middle Solutions in Vancouver Brownsville Passive House to Offer Stability for the Unhoused Putman Family YWCA Housing Opens Doors in Ontario Affordable Multifamily Housing in Cambridge Tim McDonald on Making Multifamily Passive House a Reality Timothy McDonald: Front Flats, a Passive House Wrapped in Solar PV Sally Godber: UK Passive House Social Housing Tomas O'leary: Ireland's Largest Passive House Development Ya'el Santopinto & Graeme Stewart: Ken Soble Tower Retrofit Joanna Grab & Jennifer Leone: Data (not anecdotes) Sangeetha Sambandam: Passive House Takes a Village Todd Rothstein: PH Simplicity *IS* Affordability James Geppner: RetrofitNY NYSERDA Amy Egerter & Martha Campbell: Realize, Rocky Mountain Institute Jesse Thompson: Six Lessons Passive House In Mexico: Marisa Egea and Elena Reyes The Happy Hour Lowdown: Artscape Edition The Heights: Gesa Zellermann and Scott Kennedy, Cornerstone Architects Dennis Wedlick: Rural Build Iniative Natalie Leonard, Passive Design Solutions: Bringing Passive House to the Mainstream Passive House Policy Summit Reid Rowland: Energy Star to Passive Doig River Culture Center Passive House Project Indwell's Affordable Passive House Portfolio in Ontario Nuutsumuut Lelum Affordable Multifamily Passive House in Canada Resilience in Canada Restorative Climate Justice and Passive House | Bomee Jung Sunflower Social Housing Project Passive Housing for Climate Refugees | Venice Biennial 2021 Harbor Village Affordable Housing Rheingold Senior Residence Balanced Passive House Affordable High Performance Design in Western Alabama 1000+ Passive House Apartments in Spain From Humble Beginnings to High Performance Hobson Place: PH Supportive Housing in Seattle A Developer’s Perspective: Transforming Communities with Passive House Affordable Multi-Family Passive House: A Denser Path to Clean Salem Heights Apartments Retrofit: Old Apartments Made Healthy Iconic Retrofits Bring Passive House to Brooklyn, NYC | Massive Passive Refreshing a Local Icon Into Clean, Green Housing at Bank Lofts How Healthy Housing Can Help Rebuild Lives A Breath of Fresh Air in the Bronx Fast Tenant-in-Place Passive House Retrofit with Energiesprong You Can Make Socially Responsible, Green, Affordable Housing A Celebration of Longevity and Resiliency Repurposing the Commons in Lake Oswego Decarbonized Homes, Healthier Communities Mission Driven Passive House: Mercy Greenbrae at Marylhurst Commons | Project of the Month | PHA Live Pathways to Affordable Electrification: Geothermal, Passive House, and Beyond | Next Up! | PHA Live Meadowbrook Lane: A Sustainable Affordable Housing Initiative Hope Rises in Brownsville: Trauma-Informed Passive House INSIDE NYC's New Affordable Eco High-Rise Bringing High-Performance Building to Highbridge Challenges Become Opportunities in Salem Podcast Collection Passive House Podcast Ep 15: Andy Marlow, Passivhaus Design & Construct Passive House Podcast Ep 19: Sangeetha Sambandam, WRT Passive House Podcast Ep 23: Dennis Wedlick, BarlisWedlick Architects Passive House Podcast Ep 33: Ya'el Santopinto, ERA Architects Passive House Podcast Ep 34: Beverly Craig, MassCEC Passive House Podcast Ep. 39: Bomee Jung, Topsight Advisors Passive House Podcast Ep 43: Meleny Thomas, South Baltimore Community Land Trust Bonus Episode: John Woelfling at PhiusCon 2021 Passive House Podcast Ep 77: Pablo Sepulveda, Aurecon Passive House Podcast Ep 87: Ryan Cassidy, RiseBoro Communitiy Partnership Passive House Podcast Ep 92: AJ Patton, 548 Capital Passive House Podcast Ep 95: Julie Klump, POAH Passive House Podcast Ep 96: Michelle Apigian, ICON Architecture Passive House Podcast Ep. 105: Scott Kennedy, Cornerstone Architecture Passive House Podcast Ep. 108: Carmel Pratt, Bright Power Passive House Podcast Ep. 109: Enda McDonagh, Montgomery Sisam Architects Bonus Episode: John Woelfling of Dattner Architects at PhiusCon 2022 Bonus Episode: Julie Klump of POAH at PhiusCon 2022 Passive House Podcast Ep. 136: Kara Haggerty Wilson, Onion Flats Bonus Episode: Sean Botham, CityHousing Hamilton (PHCC 2023) Passive House Podcast Ep. 144: Emily Smith, Re:Vision Architecture