Passive House Week In Preview: August 30

Read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, deadlines, and developments to put on your radar this week. This week's project is the Skeena Residence Hall at UBC designed by PUBLIC Design. Submit your project HERE for a chance to be featured.

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. WED: Global Passive House Showcase kick-off this week!

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The inaugural episode of the new and improved Global Passive House Showcase (formerly known as the Global Passive House Happy Hour) kicks off this Wednesday (Sept 1) with Guest Host Johnny Rezvani of Passive House Rocky Mountains and presenter Andrew Michler of Hyperlocal Workshop. Andrew will be talking about, which is using cradle to cradle design and carbon neutral materials to house a diverse group of climate refugees arriving in Los Angeles while also affording space and support to the community's vibrant mobile food truck economy. Learn more. 

2. Next week Construction Tech is back at the BCIT Lab

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Since the kids are heading back to school, we thought we should too. We hope you had a great summer and are hungry for more knowledge. We are returning to the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s High-Performance Building lab at the Zero Energy Building Learning Centre to meet up with Alex Hebert and Mary McWilliam, where we will dive deeper into our love for mock-ups as we explore the LEEP (Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships) mock-ups. Learn more. 

3. NOW LIVE: Encore Episode 4 of the Passive House Podcast

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In this Encore Episode of the Passive House Podcast (originally aired as Episode 29 on International Women's Day, March 7, 2021), guest co-hosts Mary James and Ilka Cassidy interview two exciting guests who are collaborating on a retrofit guide for common building typologies found in cold climates. Listen here. 

4. Save the Date: Fall Conferences & Summits

25th International Passive House Conference (September 10-15)
The first part of the two-part conference is planned as an in-person event in the historical City Hall of Wuppertal, Germany, on September 10 and 11. There will also be online offerings accompanying the event to reach a global audience. The second part, on September 14 and 15, will be online only. "Last year's online conference opened a lot of doors for us and helped us reach even more international participants. Learn more.

PassivhausMAINE Fall Forum (September 16-18)
The ninth passivhausMAINE fall conference is happening September 16, 17 and 18 virtually. The online conference will start September 16 with an afternoon of workshops and an evening dinner and presentation. On September 17, there will be a full day of à la carte online seminars focusing on four themes, in addition to a packed 90-minute expert presentation and “Q and A” session. On September 18, they’ll offer four-building tours–spread across the state–detailing buildings that are part of passivhausMAINE’s retrofit initiative. Learn more. 

Tower Retrofit Symposium 2021 Passive House Canada (September 22-23)
Across Canada, tall buildings are on the cusp of a major market shift, driven by our need to drastically reduce emissions and capture a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to perform deep energy retrofits. Building owners also need to reduce operating costs while providing high-performing homes and office space. Registration is NOW OPEN – Buy your ticket before August 20th to save! Learn more.

PhiusCON Registration Open! (October 12-15)
Register by July 15 for a substantial early bird discount. For now, in person attendance is capped--so if you want to be there, don't delay. Register.

Two days, five tracks, three keynotes--Joe Lstiburek will provide the finale on Friday, October 15. We'll have the conference and preconference grids soon!

South Pacific Passive House Conference (November 25-17)
The time is now to register for The South Pacific Passive House Conference 2021 (SPPHC21)!  Get in quick for the Early Bird ticket rates until September 17.  Please help us by spreading the word on all your channels today - tell your friends and colleagues and shout about it on social media! Learn more. 

5. SOCIALS: Passive House/Building Science Gatherings

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Global Passive House Showcase Andrew Michler (Wed, Sept 1)

BS + Beer Show
Put Away the BS and Focus on the Beer for a Change (Thu, Sept 2)

#BS (Building Science) Fridays
Net Zero Development (Fri, Sept 3)

Passive House Canada
Building Conversations with Chris Ballard with Oscar Flechas (Wed, Sept 8)

Zero Energy Future of Phius (Tue, Sept 14)

Building Energy Exchange 
Climate Mobilization Act Primer (Thur, Sept 16)

6. EDUCATION: Upcoming Passive House Trainings

Smart Plus Academy 
CPHT Course (Sept 4 - 12)

CPHB Training Phase II (September 7)

Castaño & Asociados Passivhaus 
CPHT Course (Spanish Language) (September 7 - 16)

Building Energy Exchange 
Passive House Primer (September 8)

CPHT Training (September 9, 16, 23, & 30)

Rockwool x Passive House Canada 
Bâtiment Passif Québec (September 10)

Certified Passive House Consultant Training Phase II (September 13)

Building Energy Exchange 
Contracts, Climate, & Compliancy (Tue, Sept 14)

Introduction to Passive House (September 15)
Certified Passive House Designer/Consultant (September 22)

Emu Passive 
CPHT Training (September 30 - November 11)

PhiusCon Pre Conference WUFI Workshop (October 12, 13)

Phius+ Verifier Training (October 18, 19)

Castaño & Asociados Passivhaus 
CPHT Course (Spanish Language) (October 19 - November 9)

Phius+ Rater Training (November 8)

Emu Passive 
Passive Pod Workshop (November 17, 18)
CPHT Exam (November 19)

View our full calendar here.

Published: August 30, 2021
Categories: News