Passive House Week In Preview: January 10

Read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, deadlines, and developments to put on your radar this week. The featured project above is the Wheelhaus.

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. Tue: Kevin Brennan + Dense Packed Cellulose Installation

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On January 11, Construction Tech Tuesday returns from the winter holiday break with an insulation tutorial from Kevin Brennan. Kevin, co-owner of Brennan & Brennan Insulation and Airtightness and Construction Tech co-host, will show us an onsite demonstration of dense packing cellulose for superinsulated Passive House construction. Get the Construction Tech Zoom Link.

2. Wed: Decarbonized Homes, Healthier Communities

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The Global Passive House Showcase will return on January 12 with special guests Bomee Jung (Topsight Advisors) and Yu Ann Tan (Rocky Mountain Institute). The two will present findings from their report Decarbonizing Homes: Improving Health in Low-Income Communities through Beneficial Electrification, which asked the question: “how can we maximize the health benefits of building decarbonization, particularly for communities that shoulder the heaviest health burdens of a fossil-fueled world?” Get the Showcase Zoom Link.

3. REGISTER: Building Performance Episode 4, January 27

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Episode 4 of the Building Performance Interactive will be on January 27. Stay tuned for more details. Register.

4. EDUCATION: Upcoming Passive House Trainings

The Passive House Network 
CPHD On-Demand Trainings
CPHT On-Demand Trainings

Passive House Canada 
Pathway to Passive House Designer/Consultant Certification (120P) (Starts January 10)

Making Passive the Norm: Standardizing Specifications to Make Passive House Easily Adopted (January 11)
Fannie Mae Green Financing (January 13)

The Passive House Network
Keys to Successful Passive House Implementation [in California!] (January 11)

Peel Passive House 
Certified Passive House Designer Course (January 11)

Passive House Canada 
Introduction to Passive House High Performance Buildings (90) (Starts January 18)

Intro to THERM Workshop (January 24)

Emu Passive 
CPHT Training Live in Austin & On-Demand (January 24)

Passive House Network 
Certified Passive House Designer (January 24, 25, 26)
Regenerative Construction Ecosystems: wood-symposium (January 26-7)
Introduction to Passive House (February 2) 
Introduction to Passive House Trades (February 2)

Smart Plus Academy 
Certified Passive House Tradesperson Course (February 7)

Passive House Canada 
Achieving the Passive House Standard for Existing Buildings (February 7) 
A Pattern Language from Passive House (February 8)

Passive House School 
Certified Passive House Designer and Consultant (February 11)

Emu Passive 
CPHT Live in Arvada, Colorado (February 28)

Passive House School
Certified Passive House Designer and Consultant Exam (March 18)

View our full calendar here.

Published: January 10, 2022
Categories: News