Passive House Week In Preview: January 17

Read on for a selection of Passive House happenings, deadlines, and developments to put on your radar this week. The featured project above is the Seminary Hill Cidery.

Do you have Passive House news that we should share in a future edition? Email us at: [email protected].

1. TUE: Balancing Carbon with Passive Straw Bale Construction

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On January 18 Abby Meuser-Herr, from Precipitate Architecture and Planning, and Passive House homeowner Katie Jones will join the Construction Tech crew to dive into straw bale construction and Passive House. Adapting the traditional straw bale methods, Abby and her team were able to incorporate Passive House principles like reducing thermal bridges and addressing airtightness using natural plasters. Get the Construction Tech Zoom Link.

2. WED: Designing, Building, and Living in a Passive House

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DEMO Architects founder Alessandro Ronfini will present the Olive Passive House at the Global Passive House Showcase on January 19. Alessandro designed and built the Olive Passive House as a prototype to prove that sustainability and comfort can coexist with most of the elements and materials defining contemporary architecture. Get the Showcase Zoom Link.

3. NOW LIVE: Episode 70 of the Passive House Podcast

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Passive House Podcast guest cohosts Mary James and Ilka Cassidy interview Anne Vogt of VAND arquitectura passivhaus based in Madrid, Spain. Anne shares her introduction to Passive House in Germany, the connections she found between bioclimatic design and Passive House design, her work to help establish the Plataforma de Edificación Passivhaus (PEP), and her extensive portfolio of Passive House work in Spain. Listen here.

4. REGISTER: Building Performance Episode 4, January 27

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The fourth episode of the Building Performance Interactive will focus on super-insulated airtight timber frame construction to accelerate strategic design and development of Passive House projects. Expertise, fast building techniques, along with high-quality and energy saving materials are required in assuring high-performance. To illustrate this point, we will visit the construction site of a new build Passive House in the UK to speak with Adrian Williamson and Lee Broomhall involved in the process. Register.

5. EDUCATION: Upcoming Passive House Trainings

The Passive House Network 
CPHD On-Demand Trainings
CPHT On-Demand Trainings

Passive House Canada 
Introduction to Passive House High Performance Buildings (90) (Starts January 18)

Passive House Massachusets 
Lunch & Learn: Windows (January 20)

Intro to THERM Workshop (January 24)

Emu Passive 
CPHT Training Live in Austin & On-Demand (January 24)

Passive House Canada 
Exam Prep (January 24)
Passive House Network 
Certified Passive House Designer (January 24, 25, 26)

International Passive House Association 
Climate Neutrality in Exist in Buildings - How do we do it? (January 25)

California Energy Design Assistance 
New Construction Done Right: Strategies to Improve Efficiency in Buildings (January 26)

Passivhaus Trust 
Passivhaus Retrofit Masterclass lecture series: Introduction (January 27)

Passive House Network 
Regenerative Construction Ecosystems: wood-symposium (January 26-7)
Introduction to Passive House (February 2) 
Introduction to Passive House Trades (February 2)

Smart Plus Academy 
Certified Passive House Tradesperson Course (February 7)

Phius Builder Trainer (February 7)

Passive House Canada 
Achieving the Passive House Standard for Existing Buildings (February 7) 
A Pattern Language from Passive House (February 8)

BS & Beer Show 
At IBS in Orlando for The BS + Beer Show, Live! Control layers with Carl Seville and Michael Anschel (February 8)
At IBS in Orlando for The BS + Beer Show, Live! State of the Industry with Dr. Joe Lstiburek and Christine Williamson (February 9)

Passive House School 
Certified Passive House Designer and Consultant (February 11)

Phius+ Rater Training (February 19)

Emu Passive 
CPHT Live in Arvada, Colorado (February 28)

BS & Beer Show 
Photovoltaic Nuts + Bolts with Will Field and Vaughan Woodruff of Revision Energy (March 3)

Passive House School
Certified Passive House Designer and Consultant Exam (March 18)

View our full calendar here.

Published: January 17, 2022