Transforming How We Build

phb phc 2019 ebook cover

Passive House Buildings in Canada: Transforming How We Build showcases more than 50 outstanding projects of every type and size.

From British Columbia to Nova Scotia designers, builders, and consultants are relying on the Passive House approach to deliver highly efficient and comfortable commercial, institutional, and residential buildings.

Company headquarters, community housing retrofits, student dorms with commercial kitchens, stunning single-family homes—the range of building types demonstrates the transformation in the building industry that is already underway and the exciting path forward toward a better, more sustainable future.

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Articles in this Issue

PassiveHouse Conference Vancouver 2018 234


Passive House Canada: Transforming How We Build

Letter from Rob Bernhardt, CEO of Passive House Canada

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Zero Emissions Building Exchange

The Zero Emissions Building Exchange (ZEBx) is a collaborative platform and a catalyst for market transformation in buildings.

Five Passive House Design Principles


Five Principles of Passive House Design and Construction

Passive House is considered the most rigorous voluntary energy-based standard in the design and construction industry today.

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The Living Libations Passive House Headquarters Haliburton, Ontario

The Living Libations headquarters is a gleaming example of what Passive House design consultation and today’s innovative building methods can achieve.

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Passive Auto Dealership—Peel Passive Consulting

The world’s first Passive House car dealership is opening its doors in Red Deer, Alberta.

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Charter Telecom National Headquarters

When developing a new, roughly 1,500-m2 office building to house its growing staff, Charter Telecom enumerated several priorities: occupant comfort, a high-quality work environment, low operating costs, and of course, reasonable construction costs.

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Tantrum Urban Commercial Infill

The Tantrum building is a commercial infill Passive House project that will demonstrate the benefits of exceeding design and code minimums in what is typically an overlooked building typology.



YWCA Housing and Community Centre

The Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) Hamilton aims to transform the lives of marginalized and disadvantaged women. It provides services in the areas of employment support and leadership development while also providing housing options and shelters.

View From Galloping Goose Connector  far


Goldstream Avenue

Owned and operated by the Greater Victoria Housing Society, this six-storey wood-frame building will be providing 102 affordable housing units plus supporting space to low- to moderate-income families, seniors, and working adults.

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Nigel Valley Passive House

The Nigel Valley project consists of a series of buildings on a 9-acre parcel owned by five housing and care operators.

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Ken Soble Tower Passive House Retrofit

The Ken Soble Tower Transformation is a ground-breaking project to modernize a postwar apartment tower to the EnerPHit standard—one of the first such retrofits in North America.



Parkdale Landing EnerPHit

The finished project transformed the building into 57 studio apartments, including eight barrier-free units.

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Putting Faith into Action

When Hughson Street Baptist Church was founded in 1883, it was in the heart of Hamilton’s blue-collar industrial neighbourhoods. Over 130 years, the church met the needs of its community with spiritual and practical assistance.

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Gastown Childcare: Passive House for Kids on a Downtown Vancouver Rooftop

Acton Ostry Architects has a reputation in Vancouver for solving challenging problems.

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Skeena Residence - a Community Asset

Skeena Hall is a student housing residence hall at the university of British Columbia in Vancouver

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The Heights: Case Study In Vancouver, BC

The Heights is a mixed-use six-story building that meets the Passive House standard, in Vancouver Canada.

Published: December 31, 2019